Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Law
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Grao en Dereito
  Economic and Accounting Concepts of the Firm
Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech The teaching staff will explain each of the topics of the program, insisting on the fundamental concepts and their relationships. The oral presentation made by the teaching staff may be complemented with the support of audiovisual media and with the posing of some questions addressed to the students, to transmit knowledge and facilitate learning and facilitate participation.
Problem solving The students will carry out different works on specific topics and practical assumptions recommended by the teacher. The evaluation of these works will assess the ability to compile, synthesize and the contribution that each student can make in terms of style, approach, and procedure according to the teacher's guidance. Additionally, or alternatively, students will practice tests of multiple choice.
Objective test This methodology consists of a test for learning assessment. It can combine different types of questions: multiple choice, ranking, short answer, discrimination, completion, and/or association questions. It can also be made with just a kind of any of these questions. It may include both theoretical and practical questions or problems.
In certain circumstances, it can be done online through the online platform, or in person.
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