Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Law
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  Criminal Proceedings
Methodologies Description
Case study During the course, several cases will be proposed, in order to reinforce the learning process, and to contribute to avaliation. This cases will imply two types of activities:
1. Analisys of legal texts, or with legal content. Readings of legal papers and documents or even literary readings of films will be proposed. The aim will ben to identify and discuss the diferent legal issues that can be found in those to achieve the understanding of legal principles or instiutions which can be key for the criminal proceedings system.
2. Legal cases resolution. Departing from some facts, the analysis of legal issues wil be required through answering the questions proposed or the writing of procedural documents.
The case resolution may be done individually or as a team.
After the delivery to the professor, the cases will be discussed in the classroom.
Objective test In order to make an evaluation of the learning process, at least one test will be done. It will consist on two different parts: a multiple choice questionary and a case resolution activity (optional) .
Case study Main theoretichal and practical questions will be explained by the professor in the classroom, During these sessions, essential notes practical consequences and institutional architecture of the criminal proceedings will be discussed.

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes