Teaching GuideTerm
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  Programming II
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Problem solving A3 B1 B3 C6 The results, form and conditions of completion of various assessable works that will be detailed during the course and that will be resolved during the SMALL GROUP TUTORIALS will be assessed.

The result of the activity, as well as the discussion and active participation in class, will be valued in the final grade.

This grades of these activities will only be added to the remaining grades once the course is passed.
Laboratory practice A4 B1 B3 C3 C6 The practical works are mandatory according to the conditions stablished in each problem assignment. There will be a periodic follow-up of the development of these practicals throughout the course that will influence their grades.

Students must present all the practical assignments and obtain a global minimum of 4.5 out of 10 points to pass the subject.

The work submitted must be the student's original work. According to Article 11, Section 4 b) of the UDC Student Disciplinary Regulations ("Reglamento disciplinar del estudiantado de la Universidad de A Coruña"). the submission of non-original work or work with duplicate parts (either by copying among classmates, obtaining from other sources, etc.) will result in a grade of FAIL with 0 points in that full ANNUAL CALL for both the group that employed copied material and the group that provided it.
Objective test A3 A4 B1 B3 Mandatory realization. It implies a global treatment of the contents covered throughout the course. It will be eminently practical so that students can demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary knowledge of abstraction, design, implementation and use of ADTs and that they have trained sufficiently in the skills required by the course.

A minimum grade of 4,5 out of 10 is required to pass the course.
Assessment comments

General Observation.

All aspects related to academic dispensation, dedication to study, permanence and academic fraud will be governed according to the current academic regulations of the UDC.

On attending
the practical classes

non-attendance could carry a penalty in the grade according to the specific
conditions that will be detailed at the beginning of the course.

On shared
responsibility for group work

In the activities carried out in groups, such as practicals,
all members of the group will be jointly liable for the work carried out and
delivered, as well as the consequences arising from non-compliance with the
rules of authorship of the work.

About the final
note of the minutes

In the event
that the conditions for the joint calculation of the grade between the final
test and the practicals are not met (that is, if either of the two is less than
4.5 out of 10), the minutes will include the minimum mark between 4.5 and the
one resulting from the joint calculation.

Second Chance Evaluation

The mark of the exam ("Objective test") is NOT kept between opportunities.

The marks of the "Laboratory practices" as
well as the block of "Problem Solving" will be kept for the second
opportunity. Only lab practicals qualified with FAIL ("Suspenso") or NOT SUBMITTED ("No Presentado") in the first
opportunity may be delivered in the second, always according to the statement
that is proposed for it.

In line with the UDC evaluation regulations, those grades derived from other activities developed throughout the course as
part of the continuous evaluation (introductory practicals, follow-ups of lab practicals, tests in
Small Tutoring Groups, etc.) will not be recoverable for the second opportunity.

Regarding the evaluation criteria, the second
opportunity will keep the same as the first one.


In the case of students with part-time enrollment,
the obligation to attend practical lectures is eliminated. However, they will
have to deliver the assessable activities under the specific conditions and
deadlines that will be established during the course. It is the responsibility
of these students to inform the teacher of their circumstances.

Opportunity in December

The evaluation of this advanced opportunity will be based
exclusively on a written test.

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes