Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Architecture
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Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A15 B2 B9 C1 C3 C6 C7 Evaluation of the developed project 30
Objective test A15 A17 A18 A24 B2 C1 Test Results 70
Assessment comments


Assessment, as a system for gathering information aimed at issuing value judgments (and, where appropriate, merit) about the learning process, requires continuous development with constant student involvement.
With this premise, attendance and participation are understood as fundamental, so that an unjustified and repetitive absence has a negative impact on the grade obtained per course, in a similar proportion as a lack of participation or a negative attitude.

In order to carry out the objective tests, it will be necessary to have an attendance of at least 80% to theory classes (expository) in face-to-face mode, along with 80% to practical classes (interactive) of the subject, as well as adequately delivering 80% of the weekly practices.


The continuous evaluation system is configured with two objective tests, which will be carried out during the course, and a supervised work that will be developed throughout the semester and whose follow-up will require partial deliveries.
The mixed tests represent 70% of the global grade and the remaining 30% corresponds to the grade of the supervised work that includes the workshop work. This work consists of a workshop part and a specific part of the subject.
Passing the subject requires obtaining a minimum overall grade, considering both the mixed tests and the supervised work, of 5 out of 10. To obtain this grade, a minimum value of 3/10 must be obtained in each of the evaluated parts (theoretical questionnaires, problems on mechanics, problems on foundatiosn and practical work).

The correction criteria include not only the accuracy of the results, but also the clarity of the presentation, the structuring of the analysis carried out, the use of units, the correct application of the normative criteria, and the terminology used.
For the objective tests, the use of the regulations in force, PDFs of the class notes prepared by the teachers without solved exercises, a handwritten form (handwritten, not photocopied) in A4 format on both sides, handwritten indexes/flow charts of the solution process of the exercises to be carried out personally, which do not contain numerical information, as well as a non-programmable calculator (the use of mobile phones or other electronic devices for this purpose is not permitted) will be allowed. Occasionally, documentation that the teaching staff can provide or authorise for this purpose may be used.

First and Second Chance

Students who have not passed the subject per course will re-examine the pending parts in the two opportunities of the same course. In both cases, the note of the supervised work is kept.

The possibility of improving the works presented is not contemplated due to the impossibility of guaranteeing the authorship of the student. Therefore, the student who has not delivered this work at the time will not be able to compute this section.

Advance Chance

In this call the students will examine the entire subject. The mark obtained previously in the supervised work is maintained, but in this case the students can choose to modify it by attending the workshop classes of the subject. Its delivery will be made one week before the exam period of this opportunity.


The detection of plagiarism, as well as the fraudulent performance of tests or evaluation activities, once verified, will directly imply the grade of failing "0" in the subject in the corresponding call, thus invalidating any grade obtained in all evaluation activities. ahead of the extraordinary call.

Special situations: students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic dispensation
Part-time: Dedication measures are not contemplated for part-time students because the subject is part of the workshop methodology Academic Waiver of Attendance Exemption: It is not contemplated because the subject participates in the workshop methodology Evaluation: no change.

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