Teaching GuideTerm
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Grao en Educación Primaria
  Foreign Language Teaching
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Collaborative learning A50 A51 A52 B5 B7 B15 B23 C2 C3 Set of teaching-learning procedures guided in person and/or supported with ICT, which are based on the organization of the class into small groups in which the students work together in solving tasks assigned by teachers to optimize their own learning and that of the other members of the group. 10
Oral presentation A51 B8 B9 B10 B11 B22 B24 C2 C3 Inherent intervention to the teaching-learning processes based on verbal exposure through which the students and teachers interact in an orderly way, posing questions, making clarifications and exposing topics, works, concepts, facts or principles in a dynamic way. 10
Student portfolio A48 A51 B9 B10 C2 It is a folder divided by identified or labeled sections, which contains the records or materials product of the learning activities carried out by the student in a period of time, with the comments and grades assigned by the teacher, which allows to visualize the student's progress. The portfolio includes everything the student does, such as: class notes, research papers, work guides and their development, comments, summaries, written tests, self-assessment tasks, completed tasks, comments on the student's progress made by the teacher, etc. 5
Mixed objective/subjective test A47 A51 B10 B23 B25 C2 C7 Test that integrates open-ended questions and objetive questions.
Concerning the open-ended questions, this are questions in which students have to explain. Concerning objective questions, there could be multiple choice, put-in-order, short answer, yes/no, fill-in-the-gaps, or association questions.
Research (Research project) A46 A50 A52 B5 B7 B11 B22 C1 C2 C3 Learning process oriented towards students' learning through the completion of practice-based tasks. In these tasks, students are asked to identify an issue, analyse it, develop measures to deal with it, interpret the results and draw conclusions. The project will deal with the design of a didactic proposal. 25
Assessment comments

Assessment criteria for students that attend the lessons regularly

In order to pass the course in the June opportunity, students must attend at least 80% of the face-to-face lessons. If they do not, they will have to go straight to the July opportunity.

Their assessment will follow the following assessment criteria and tools:

Assessment criteria: 

- Verification of compliance with the set objectives 

- Assimilation of theoretical and practical content. 

-Assessment of the work carried out during the course, both collaborative and individual works.

Assessment tools: 

Mixed test: - I.1. Use of English. 1 point.- I.2. Didactics of the FL. 3 points.- I.3. Comprehension and written expression. 1 point.

- I.4. Individual or group work. 2.5 points.

- I.5. Oral presentation. 1 point.

- I.6. Individual or group tasks. 1 point.

- I.7. Portfolio (optional). 0.5 points.

The assessment of items I.1, I.2 e I.3 will be carried out in the official data of the academic calendar and will be done individually. 

The aassessment of items I.4, I.5 and I.6 will be carried out in the set date from the course calendar at the beginning of the semester and can be carried out individually or groups (no more than 5 students per group). 

The assessment of item I.7 is optional and is to be done individually. This portfolio has activities, tasks and exercises done in the classroom (both orally and in written format) in which some critical reflection is to be added in regard to its practical use in Primary Education. 

Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 nad 6 are mandatory to pass the course. It is necessary to get at least 5 out of 10 in the mixed objective/subjective test to pass the course. A failing mark means the repetition of all items in the next opportunity.

The July opportunity will follow the same criteria as the June opportunity.

Assessment criteria for students who do not attend the lessons regularly

1. Alumnado con dispensa académica/part-time student: "Norma que regula o réxime de dedicación ao estudo dos estudantes de grao na Universidade da Coruña" (aprobada en Consello de Goberno de 29 de maio de 2012), se le reconozca la condición de estudiante a tiempo parcial y solicite al Decano/a la correspondiente dispensa académica quedando eximido de la obligatoriedad de asistencia.

2. Repeat student.

IMPORTANT: These students will have to notify their situation to the teacher at the beginning of the course and will have to submit additional tasks. Furthermore, they will have to pay attention to the tasks and their deadlines.

Assessment criteria: 

- Verification of compliance with the set objectives 

- Assimilation of theoretical and practical content. 

-Assessment of the work carried out during the course, both collaborative and individual works.

Assessment tools: 

A. Individual Part - I.1. Use of English. 1 point.- I.2. Didactics of the LE. 3 points.- I.3. Comprehension and written expression. 1 point.

B. Task and oral presentation- I.4. Individual work. 2.5 points.- I.5. Oral presentation. 1 point. I.6. Individual tasks. 1.5 points.

The assessment of items I.1, I.2 e I.3 will be carried out in the official data of the academic calendar and will be done individually. The assessment of items I.4, I.5 and I.6 will be set after talking to the teacher and is to be done individually. Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  and 6 are mandatory to pass the course. It is necessary to get at least 5 out of 10 in the mixed objective/subjective test to pass the course. A failing mark means the repetition of all items in the next opportunity.

The July opportunity will follow the same criteria as the June opportunity.

The early opportunity will follow the same criteria as the July Opportunity.

All aspects related to “dispensa académica”, “dedicación al estudio”, “permanencia” e “fraude académica” will follow the normativa académica vixente da UDC.”

Important: Engaging in fraudulent behavior during exams or assessment activities, once confirmed, will result in an automatic fail for the corresponding opportunity. The student will be graded as "fail" (numerical grade of 0) in the respective academic year's opportunity, whether the offense occurs in the first or second attempt. In such cases, the student's grade in the first attempt will be modified in the record, if necessary.

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes