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  Mathematics I
   Sources of information
Basic Víctor Robledo Rella, Antonio Aguilar Gómez, Luis Martínez Arias (2015). Introducción a las matemáticas: Ejercicios y problemas. https://elibro-net.accedys.udc.es/es/ereader/bibliotecaudc/39450?page=1

- Apóstol, T. M. Análisis Matemático. Editorial Reverté, S.A. Barcelona, 1989. This book deals with topics in Higher Calculus. It is aimed at students who are trying to make a transition from elementary calculus to more advanced courses in the theory of real and complex functions. In this case, this text is only recommended so that the EUDI student can revise, if necessary, abstract and specific concepts, which are dealt with in depth here. Particularly noteworthy are the topics dealing with Successions and Numerical Series, and their relationship with Differential and Integral Calculus.

- Ayres, Frank. J.R. and Mendeson, Elliot. Calculus. McGraw-Hill. Colombia, 2000. This is a book aimed at providing a collection of detailed and representative solved problems. Although the major part of the text is made up of its many problems, the fundamental concepts are defined in it, as well as the most important theorems. It is intended as a textbook for higher education calculus courses. Each chapter begins with statements of definitions, principles and theorems. This is followed by solved problems, which form the core of the book. The chapter ends with a group of supplementary unsolved but solved problems. The topics covered in the book go far beyond the scope of this subject.  
  - Demidovich, B. Problemas y Ejercicios de Análisis Matemático. Editorial Paraninfo. Madrid, 1993. This book of Soviet origin, now in its eleventh edition, is a classic of mathematical analysis in engineering schools. It is aimed at students of technical or higher engineering schools. It contains more than 3000 proposed and/or solved problems. It pays special attention to those parts which, because they are more important, require more practice, such as the determination of limits, derivatives, construction of curves, definite and indefinite integrals, series and differential equations. 

 - Diego, Braulio de. Ejercicios de Análisis. Editorial Deimos. Seville, 1983. This is a text aimed at Higher Technical Schools and Science Faculties, and therefore of a more than sufficient level for this subject. It contains a profuse collection of solved problems. The main application for EUDI students may be the calculation of limits of sequences, functions, sums of series and integration. 

 - García, Alfonsa; Villa, Agustín de la; et. al. Cálculo I y II. Editorial Clagsa. Madrid, 1994. Está dirigido a los primeros cursos de Cálculo en estudios de Ciencias o Tecnologías. El primer tomo de este libro aborda el estudio teórico y práctico de la mayoría de los conceptos del Análisis de funciones de una variable. Es, por tanto muy adecuado al temario que se persigue en este caso, por lo que es el libro de texto recomendado para esta materia. Por otra parte, este libro contiene también una importante colección de problemas resueltos y propuestos. Contiene cada tema, además, un interesante test de auto evaluación con el que los estudiantes pueden contrastar sus conocimientos teóricos. 
 - Spiegel, Murray R. Higher Calculus. McGraw-Hill. Madrid 1991. This text can be used as a supplement to the course notes. As in the previous cases, it covers all the concepts of the course syllabus. Each chapter begins with a clear statement of the definitions, principles and theorems, accompanied by abundant illustrative and descriptive material; each chapter ends with a series, graded in difficulty, of solved and proposed problems. The solved problems illustrate the theory and focus on the aspects without whose knowledge the student feels insecure. In the topics that allow it, there are some problems that illustrate the physical applications of the theoretical concepts, a very desirable point in a Technical School. Particularly noteworthy (for this course) are the topics dealing with the calculation of lengths, surfaces and volumes. 
Complementary Lucía Agud Albesa, Margarita Mora Carbonell (2019). Matemáticas básicas para ingenierías: ejercicios resueltos (2ª ed). https://elibro-net.accedys.udc.es/es/ereader/bibliotecaudc/118553

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