Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Grao en Economía
Topic Sub-topic
Section I: Foundations of Accounting
Lesson 1:Business decisions and financial accounting 1.1. Business activity and the need for information
1.2. Uses and users of financial and non-financial information
1.3. Accounting standards
Lesson 2: The balance sheet 2.1. Purpose of the balance sheet
2.2. Balance sheet components
2.3. Transactions and balance sheet
Lesson 3: The income statement and the cash flow statement 3.1. Purpose of the income statement
3.2. Income statement format
3.3. The link between the income statement and the balance sheet
3.4. Cash flows
Lesson 4: The accounting method 4.1. Analysis of transactions. Dual accounting
4.2. The recording process. Debits and credits approach
Lesson 5: Accounting records 5.1. The journal and the journal entry
5.2. List of transactions by account (general ledger)
5.3. The trial balance and the financial statements
Lesson 6: The accounting cycle 6.1. The accounting period
6.2. Recording transactions
6.3. End of period adjustments
6.4. Preparation of financial statements
6.5. Closing entries
Section II: Analysis and interpretation of financial information
Lesson 7: The content of the financial statements 7.1. Structure and content of the basic financials statements
7.2. Comparative financial statements and trend analysis
7.3. Common size financial statements
Lesson 8. Profitability analysis 8.1. Return on assets
8.2. Return on equity
8.3. Debt and profitability
Lesson 9: Solvency 9.1. Leverage
9.2. Ability to generate cash flow
9.3. Current assets and liabilities. Turnover ratios and days outstanding
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