Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Introduction to Marketing
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A6 A8 A11 Readings and/or Practical Works supported by bibliographic analysis, Complementary Activities and Oral Presentation (40%)
All groups must send the teachers the analyzed readings and/or works carried out prior to the exhibition.
Regardless of the grade achieved in the multiple choice test, if a minimum score of 5 points out of 10 is not achieved in the Readings/Practical Works, the subject will be considered as not passed.
Multiple-choice questions A1 Multiple choice test (four options). The multiple choice test establishes a minimum or restriction to be able to pass the subject. That is, regardless of the grade achieved in the practical part, if a minimum score of 5 points out of 10 is not achieved in the multiple choice test, this grade will not be computed and the subject will be considered as not passed.
In the case of not passing the test exam and, therefore, not passing the subject, the final grade that will appear in the corresponding record will be the one achieved in said test exam.
Attendance to class will award a plus of 0.5 points on the mark of the multiple choice test, provided that the mark of this is a minimum of 4.5 points out of 10, and with the condition that in said attendance there is no exceed two absences in theoretical classes or two absences in practical classes.
Assessment comments

In the development of the practical part, the following will be assessed:

- Adaptation of contents/theoretical foundations

- Organization and formal structure

- Scope of conclusions/Literature review

- Organization of presentations and ability to synthesize

- Quality of the answers in the presentation

Evaluation observations 

1. In the case of that student who does not appear for any of the parts to be evaluated, the grade that will appear in the minutes will be the average of the corresponding weightings.

2. Rating of not presented: Corresponds to the student, when he only participates in evaluation activities that have a weighting of less than 20% of the final grade, regardless of the grade achieved.

3. Second opportunity and advanced call: The evaluation criteria are the same for all evaluation opportunities. In addition, if the student does not do the group work or fails it at the first opportunity or in the advanced call, at the second opportunity they may choose to do group or individual work. The characteristics of the work will be the same as in the first opportunity or in the advanced call.

4. Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance exemption: Except for the dates approved by the Faculty Board for the final test exam, a specific calendar of compatible dates will be agreed upon at the beginning of the course for the remaining tests.

5. About final evaluation conditions: It is forbidden to access the exam room with any device that allows communication with the outside and/or storage of information.

In any case and for all purposes, the aspects related to "academic exemption", "dedication to study", "permanence" and "academic fraud" shall be governed in accordance with the current academic regulations of the UDC, https://www.udc.es/es/normativa/academica/.

6. The fraudulent performance of the tests or evaluation activities, once verified, will directly imply the qualification of failure '0' in the matter in the corresponding call, thus invalidating any qualification obtained in all the evaluation activities of the extraordinary call.

7. Identification of the student: The student must accredit her personality in accordance with current regulations.

8. Given the characteristics of the multiple choice exam, the start time will inevitably be the one established in the official exam calendar. Once started, no student will be able to access it.

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