Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Management Accounting
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Problem solving A1 A4 A6 A7 B1 B5 B6 B7 B8 C5 Participation of students in practical classes, quality of their opinions and contributions, or work in the classroom and the presentation of small problems that they will have to solve by themselves, or in small groups, either oral or written. Attendance to conferences and lectures organized by those responsible for the subject, the Faculty, etc. and the presentation of abstracts or opinions on them will also be valued. 30
Mixed objective/subjective test A2 A3 A5 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 B2 B3 B4 B9 C1 C6 Written exam that will include theoretical and / or practical questions. 70
Assessment comments

The criteria  for both first and second chance evaluation are specified below.

First chance: the passing of the subject will require that the student has been evaluated both in their participation in the "mixed test" and in the continuous evaluation (case study and problem solving).

Second chance: there will be a final "mixed test" with a weight of 100% of the evaluation and in which theoretical and/or practical questions may be included. 

Second chance qualification will be the highest between the next two:

- Final "mixed test" score (100%)
- The grade obtained in the final "mixed test" weighted at 70%, plus the grade obtained in the continuous evaluation (30%).


- Not presented qualification corresponds to the student who had participated in activities of evaluation that have a weight lower than 20 % on the final qualification, with independence of the obtained grade.

- Convocatoria adelantada and students with recognition of part-time dedication (and exemption of assistance): Student can choose a mixed test with a weight of 100 % on the qualification, or follow general criteria. 100% mixed test will consist of a mixed test in which there will be included theoretical and practical questions and of which the student has to prove have reached the competences and the results of learning of the matter. The option will be communicated to the teaching staff within the first academic month.

- The minimal grade to pass is 5 (50 %).


- Exam access with electronic devices is forbiden except in those cases where responsible teachers could establish otherwise.
- A properly identification is required to access the exam room.

All aspects related to "academic exemption", "dedication to study", "permanence" and "academic fraud" will be governed in accordance with the current academic regulations of the UDC
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