Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Law
Guía Provisional
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Grao en Dereito
  Roman Foundations of the Western Legal Tradition
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Events academic / information A4 Asistencia a Conferencias e Cursos tanto da materia como a outras relacionadas coa mesma, suxerindo a realización de reseñas ou resumenes do tratado nas mesmas. 1
Workbook A1 A5 A6 A10 Realización de lecturas relativas tanto ás materias tratadas no programa da materia, como a cuestións xerais relativas a cultura xurídica en xeral. 1
Oral presentation A3 A7 A8 A9 A12 A13 B12 C1 C3 Intervencións en clase expoñendo partes do temario por grupos ou individualmente, e someténdose posteriormente ás posibles preguntas dos demais compañeiros e o profesor, sobre a parte exposta. 20
Supervised projects A11 B9 B1 B2 C1 Realización de esquemas e resumenes de partes da materia que poidan resultar útiles para unha mellor comprensión e estudo posterior das mesmas. Con posibilidade de, en caso de atoparse interesados en determinados temas, ampliar os coñecementos sobre os mesmos. 8
Objective test A3 B6 Exame final escrito das diversas partes indicadas da materia, con preguntas concretas a través das que o profesor poida comprobar a correcta asimilación por parte dos estudantes dos contidos da materia.
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 Asistencia as leccións maxistrais impartidas polo profesor con posibilidade de intervención dos alumnos formulando preguntas sobre os temas cuxa lectura se suxeriu previamente. 2
Problem solving A14 A15 B7 B8 B10 B11 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Formulación e realización de casos prácticos conectados coas materias teóricas previamente estudadas, con participación activa dos alumnos nas sesións establecidas ao efecto. 18
Assessment comments

Carrying out works, face-to-face presentations and practical cases to be determined according to the progress of the course and final examination of the subject. Aspects and evaluation criteria: Knowledge of the contents of the subject. Ability to solve legal problems by applying the knowledge acquired. Attendance and participation in the course activities. Ability to synthesize and analyze the readings made.

The form of evaluation established for the students who have officially recognized the teaching dispensation will consist, in addition to the telematic delivery of the suggested works and practical cases, as well as the virtual exhibition of the indicated parts of the subject, in the realization of the ordinary final exam and, where appropriate, extraordinary of the subject. For their preparation, they must use, following the agenda established in this Guide, fundamentally the latest editions of the Manuals of the subject of professors Fernández Barreiro and Paricio Serrano: History of Roman Law and its European reception, Madrid, 2017, and Fundamentals of Private Roman Law, Madrid, 2016, as well as the other bibliography suggested in this Guide.

In order to solve the possible problems that may arise in the development of the study and understanding of the subject, a personalized system of remote attention will be arbitrated, as far as possible, by email, the forums of the various platforms enabled for this purpose (Moodle, Teams, etc.) or through face-to-face tutoring at times other than those officially established.

In the case of students who have not passed the subject and are in high summons, the possibility is foreseen that, after agreement with the responsible professor, and always in attention to the academic availability of the teacher and researcher, it is arbitrated to These students carry out various liberatory tests for parts of the subject throughout the corresponding academic year on dates other than those officially indicated. To avail themselves of this possibility, the aforementioned students must previously request the corresponding meeting with the teacher.

At the beginning of each academic year, students enrolled in the subject who follow the classroom system will be informed (in person and through the Moodle platform) of the criteria to be followed regarding the organization and its development: precision on the form and type of exams to be carried out; types, content and evaluation criteria of the suggested exposures; works of parts of the matter; other valuable activities; and approximate time planning of the various parts of the subject.

The fraudulent performance of the planned tests or evaluation activities, both in the case of face-to-face and non-face-to-face students, will imply the grade of failure in the subject ("0") in the corresponding call, invalidating the grades obtained previously.

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