Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Law
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Grao en Dereito
  Employment Law
Methodologies Description
Objective test Two examinations (in the same date). The first one, on a short questions/test multiple choice basis, in English language. The second one, on a long questions basis, with the possibility to choose among English, Spanish or Galician languages.
Seminar To attend the classes, with the duty of checking the several powerpoints explained in them, and of studying the corresponding lesson of the handbook.
Guest lecture / keynote speech To attend the classes, with the duty of checking the several powerpoints explained in them, and of studying the corresponding lesson of the handbook.
Oral presentation To make a submission in group, to be defended in the International Congress on Comparative Labor Law, in case it takes place during the semester, using the English language in it.
Problem solving To make reports (at least, about finding through the Internet the sources of Labor Law, about "riders" o delivery persons, about the site EURES, about the European Social Charter, about ocupational health and safety, about dismissal, and about unions on the Internet).
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