Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Law
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Grao en Dereito
  Comparative Marriage Law
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A6 B8 B12 Assessment will be done based on the research methodology, the sources, and the proper use of juridical language 10
Case study B3 The students will be assessed taking into account their written solution of the case and their presentation 10
Collaborative learning A1 A2 A3 A7 A10 Assessment of participation in classes 80
Assessment comments

The students who skip 10% of the lectures or more are not eligible for continuous assessment. They should take a final exam, that will count 60 % of the final grade. The other 40 % will be the mark of a personal essay.

Students who have a waiver of class attendance under justified causes will be examined through an objective final test that will include 100 % of the grade. 

The professor will explain, in the first session of the course, the methodology and evaluation system that he or she will follow in their group, within those established in this guide. Attendance to this session is compulsory.

The evaluation criteria of the second opportunity will be the same as those of the first, except for the possibility of continuous assessment.

UDC regulations will apply in case of absence, fraud, plagiarism or any other academic matter.

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