Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Law
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Grao en Dereito
  International Law on Spaces
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects B6 B7 B9 B10 C2 C3 C8 Valorarase a correcta execución formal e material das actividades prácticas expostas, prestando atención ao dominio dos contidos, pero tamén aos aspectos reflexivos e expresivos, así como á adquisición das diversas competencias da materia. 70
Objective test A1 A2 A3 A4 A6 A7 A9 B7 Valorarase o coñecemento e dominio dos contidos non soamente memorístico senón tamén reflexivo, así como a adquisición das diversas competencias da materia. 10
Seminar A10 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B13 B2 B3 B4 C2 C3 C6 C7 C8 Valorarase a correcta execución formal e material das actividades prácticas expostas, prestando atención ao dominio dos contidos, pero tamén aos aspectos reflexivos e expresivos, así como á adquisición das diversas competencias da materia. 20
Assessment comments

Regarding the system of evaluation in general, establishes a system of continuous evaluation, that will consist in a series of activities directed during all the cuadrimestre, that will be, fundamentally, seminars, questionnaires and works tutelados, stop whose manufacture or resolution the students will explain with the corresponding orientations and methodological instructions, bibliographic and documentary.

MODEL OF EVALUATION A): Necessarily, the students will owe to realize the due complementary activities in the programming of the activities of the subject. The minimum level demanded stop the overrun of the activity directed will be of a global qualification of 5 points on 10. In contrary case, the subject no will consider  approved. The students will be able to benefited of the qualifications obtained in the activities directed during the first opportunity of exam of the academic course correspondent. Likewise, it stops the global qualification will value positively other activities that go organizing the professors of the subject along the cuadrimestre, how days, congresses or activities of another nature. In the global evaluation also will take into account positively the assistance and the active participation of the students in the kinds, the tutorías and in the other activities of the subject. Besides, those students that wish to obtain the qualification of "Sobresaliente or Excellent MH" will owe to realize a work of investigation envelope to subject explained. 

MODEL OF EVALUATION B): The students that can not follow the Model of evaluation A) and the students with recognition of dedicación in part time and meets out academic of exemption of assistance will have to do a final examination based on contents of the subject, whose maximum qualification will be of 10 points on 10.

Regarding the second opportunity of evaluation, the students will have to do a written exam whose maximum qualification will be of 10 points on 10.

All aspects related to "academic
dispensation", "dedication to study", "permanence" and
"academic fraud" will be governed by the UDC's current academic regulations.

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