Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Máster Universitario en Intelixencia Artificial
  AI Project Management 
   Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A20 CE19 - Knowledge of the different environments where AI based technologies can be applied and awareness of their capability to provide a differentiating added value
A21 CE20 - Ability to combine and adapt different techniques, extrapolating knowledge among different application domains
A22 CE21 - Knowledge of the techniques that facilitate the efficient organisation and management of AI projects in real environments, including resources management and tasks scheduling and taking into account the concepts of knowledge dissemination and open science
A23 CE22 - Knowledge of the techniques that facilitate the security of data, applications and communications and the derived consequences on different application domains in AI
A29 CE28 - Appropriate knowledge of the concept of enterprise, its organisation and management, and of the different business sectors, with the goal of providing solutions from the AI perspective
A30 CE29 - Being able to apply knowledge, abilities and attitudes to the business and professional world, by planning, managing and evaluating projects in the scope of AI
B1 CG01 - Maintaining and extending theoretical foundations to allow the introduction and exploitation of new and advanced technologies in the field of AI
B2 CG02 - Successfully addressing each and every stage of an AI project
B4 CG04 - Suitably elaborating written essays or motivated arguments, including some point of originality, writing plans, work projects, scientific papers and formulating reasonable hypotheses in the field
B5 CG05 - Working in teams, especially of multidisciplinary nature, and being skilled in the management of time, people and decision making
B6 CB01 - Acquiring and understanding knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, frequently in a research context
B7 CB02 - The students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and to use their capacity of solving problems in new or poorly explored environments inside wider (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study
B9 CB04 - The students will be able to communicate their conclusions, their premises and their ultimate justifications, both to specialised and non-specialised audiences, using a clear style language, free from ambiguities
B10 CB05 - The students will acquire learning abilities to allow them to continue studying in way that will mostly be self-directed or autonomous
C5 CT05 - Understanding the importance of the entrepreneurial culture and knowledge of the resources within the entrepreneur person's means
C8 CT08 - Appreciating the importance of research, innovation and technological development in the socioeconomic and cultural progress of society
C9 CT09 - Being able to manage time and resources: outlining plans, prioritising activities, identifying criticisms, fixing deadlines and sticking to them
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