Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Seminar A1 B3 Throughout the course there will be two test-type tests with a maximum grade, each one, of 10% of the grade. Those students who do not reach the maximum grade in these written tests will be able to recover the remaining part by taking the mixed test.
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 B3 There will be no evaluation practices during these sessions. 0
Laboratory practice A1 B3 Up to 4 assessment tests will be carried out during the laboratory classes that will account for 40% of the final grade.
Only students enrolled part-time who have not been evaluated in the laboratory practical part will be able to take a specific test to recover 40% of the mark corresponding to this part.
Objective test A1 B3 The final exam, with a value between 40 and 100% (depending on the grade obtained in this objective test and in the seminar part) will consist of taking a written test. 40
Assessment comments

The students will finish the class period with a maximum of 60% of the grade, which will be obtained through four quizzes that will be conducted during seminar sessions (each quiz carrying a weight of 15%). In each of these quizzes, each student will solve one or several practical problems using their laptop and Python software, as explained in the laboratory practices.

The teaching staff may require the oral defense of any of these controls from part of the students.

Note: If any illicit activity is detected in any of these quizzes (such as copied exercises, inappropriate use of online resources, etc.), all students involved will receive a grade of 0 for the respective quiz, and, depending on the severity of the incident, the teachers may decide to assign a global grade of 0 for the entire "Seminar" section.

Note 2: The use of intelligence artificial tools (ChatGPT, Github Copilot, etc.) during these quizzes is completely prohibited, except if there is an explicit consent of the teaching staff. Its use in any of the controls will result in an overall grade of 0 in the entire "Seminar" section.

On dates determined by the Faculty Board, students will take a written objective test (final exam) for the course. The grade obtained in this test will be scaled so that each student has the opportunity to recover the portion lost in the evaluation corresponding to the seminars. Thus, this test will account for 40% to 100% of the final grade for the course.

However, it is necessary to obtain a grade equal to or higher than 2.50 out of 10 in the objective test to pass the course. If this grade it is not achieved, the grade for the "Seminar" section will not be added, so only the grade of the objective test will appear in the global qualification.

The objective test for the second opportunity (June or July) will follow the same principles as the first opportunity.

The evaluation of the seminars for part-time students will be conducted taking into account their specific circumstances, as far as possible.

Regarding the extraordinary December session, the evaluation process will include:

a) An objective test worth a maximum of four points.

b) An exam to assess the knowledge acquired in the laboratory practices, worth a maximum of six points.

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