Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A17 B1 C3 The laboratory practices done by the students throughout the course will be evaluated.
The laboratory practices grade can not be recovered in the second opportunity nor in the December call.
Seminar A17 B3 C2 Related with the seminars, a series of works will be proposed to the student, that will be evaluated.
The seminars grade can not be recovered in the second opportunity nor in the December call.
Objective test A17 B1 B3 At the end of the four-month period there will be an exam where the student must prove his knowledge of the subject.
In case of obtaining less than a 4 (out of 10) in the exam, the subject will receive a failing grade and the final qualification will be the obtained in the exam.
In other case, the final grade is calculated from the grades of each part, proportionally, and must be equal to or greater than 5 (out of 10) to pass the subject.
Assessment comments
The laboratory practices and the seminars are part of the subject continuous evaluation as therefore can not be recovered in the second opportunity nor in the December call.
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