Guia docenteCurso
Facultad de Informática
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Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
  Sistemas Inteligentes
Metodologías Competencias / Resultados Descripción Calificación
Sesión magistral C6 C8 Examen escrito para evaluar los conocimientos de la Materia. 60
Prácticas de laboratorio A21 B1 B5 - Solo se puntuarán trabajos entregados en plazo de alumnos que hayan asistido a las horas asignadas a la realización de prácticas. 30
Trabajos tutelados B3 B9 - Solo se puntuarán trabajos entregados en plazo de alumnos que hayan asistido a las horas asignadas a los TGR.

Observaciones evaluación

The organisation of the subjects to be taught will be in accordance with teaching needs and will depend on the academic calendar.

In order to pass the subject will be required to pass the exam of theory and also achieve at least 5 points after adding the note of written exam, with the notes of practice and TGR. If a student, due to duly justified reasons, is unable to complete all the continuous assessment tests, they should communicate with their professors to establish dates for defending the practical exercises and assignments.

Second call:

The grade obtained in the practical exercises and TGR throughout the course will be maintained, as well as its weight in the final grade. The exam will be conducted under the same conditions as in the first call, with the same weight in the final evaluation and requirements for calculating the average.

Attendance Exemption:

In case of attendance exception, students will take the exam under the same conditions as the students in the first examination session.


The fraudulent completion of tests or assessment activities, once proven, will result in an automatic failing grade in the examination in which it was committed: the student will be given a grade of "suspenso" (numeric grade 0) in the corresponding academic year's examination, whether the offense occurs in the first opportunity or the second. To this end, the student's grade will be modified in the first opportunity's record, if necessary.


Students who do not participate in the Objective Test will receive a grade of "No-Shown."

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes