Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Oral presentation B3 B9 C8 The oral presentation of the theoretical work / papers proposed by the teachers is part of the final exam evaluation.
It is necessary to obtain a passing grade in the sum of supervised projects+ oral presentation independently (minimum grade of 5 considering that it is valued from 0 to 10) in order to pass the course.
Laboratory practice A43 B1 B9 One or more practices that will be carried out individually or in groups, as indicated by the teachers. They will span more than a week and may require additional work outside the classroom.
It is necessary to obtain a pass grade in this methodology independently (minimum grade of 5 considering that it is valued from 0 to 10) in order to pass the course.
Supervised projects B1 B3 B9 C6 C8 One or more theoretical works will be proposed throughout the course that will be developed autonomously, or in a group, by the student / group outside the classes and that must be defended before the teachers. The main work will be carried out in groups throughout the course, and a final report must be submitted. This work should be presented by the group in class, forming part of the evaluable oral presentation.
It is necessary to obtain a passing grade in the sum of supervised projects+ oral presentation independently (minimum grade of 5 considering that it is valued from 0 to 10) in order to pass the course.
Objective test B3 C6 The understanding of the concepts explained by the teacher in the master sessions implies that the students participate actively in the classes, raising doubts and making the most of personal interaction. This understanding is valued in the final grade of the subject through the online questionnaires that are carried out in the final minutes of each magisterial session.
Assessment comments

The evaluation of this subject is based on the overcoming of the main methodologies (laboratory practices, supervised projects + oral presentation) independently. The first is focused on the practical demonstration of the knowledge and skills acquired to solve problems in autonomous robotics, and the second on the realization and presentation of works on a specific topic within the theoretical part. Thus, in the event that the student does not pass the subject in the ordinary period, they must repeat all the activities of the method/s that were not passed in the ordinary period. As an example, if a student approved the part of the supervised projects + oral presentation, but failed in laboratory practices, they should repeat the latter.

Students who choose to appear in the early call (December) must perform all
methodologies except the objective test. The value of the objective test (10%) is added
to that of laboratory practices, the latter becoming worth 60%. It is necessary for
students to contact the teachers at the beginning of the semester to have
adequate delivery margins.

All aspects related to "academic dispensation", "dedication to study", "permanence" and "academic fraud" will be governed in accordance with the current academic regulations of the University of A Coruña.

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