Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Ciencia e Enxeñaría de Datos
  Discrete Mathematics
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A1 A2 B5 B6 C1 Throughout the semester several tests will be carried out on some topics of the subject, these tests will contain questions and exercises similar to those of the corresponding bulletins. The correct answer to the questions and exercises raised will be valued, as well as the presentation and clarity of the presentation made.
Objective test A1 A2 B1 B6 C1 Throughout the semester, a test will be done using the Moodle (M) platform. The test will consist of theoretical questions and problems similar to those made in the classroom. It will address the contents and results of the syllabus seen up to that point in the course. The result of this quiz (M) will contribute 20% to the total grade.
On the dates established by the Faculty Board in its annual schedule, the student will take a written test (E). To pass the subject it will be necessary that the note of this exam (E) be at least 4 points.
This test (E) will include:
- Short questions that allow assessing whether the student understood the basic theoretical concepts.
- Problems with a degree of difficulty similar to those carried out in class and those presented in the collections of proposed exercises.
Mastery of the theoretical concepts of the subject, its understanding and its application in solving exercises will be valued. Likewise, the clarity, order and presentation of the exposed results will be evaluated.

The calculation of the final mark of the subject (F) is detailed in the Assessment comments.
Assessment comments

Calculation of the final mark of the subject

The qualification of the laboratory tests (P) cannot be recovered.
On the contrary, the grade obtained on the day of the final exam (E) will be re-scaled so that the student has the opportunity to recover 20% of the grade corresponding to the Moodle test (M).
In this way, the final grade (F) of the student will be calculated with the formula:
F=P+M+0'1*(7-M) *E
whenever the value of E is greater than or equal to 4.
If the value of E is less than 4, the final mark will be equal to E (ie: F=E).
The presentation to the final test of the course supposes that the student has completed the continuous evaluation process.
For the students who take the second opportunity, the calculation of the final grade (F) will be carried out in the same way as in the first opportunity, substituting the previous value of E for the one obtained in the new written test that will take place on the date official determined by the Faculty Board.
In either of the two opportunities, to pass the subject, the value of F must be greater than or equal to 5.

All aspects related to "academic dispensation", "dedication to study", "permanence" and "academic fraud" will be governed according to the current regulations of the UDC.

Depending on the particularities of each case and the possibilities of the teaching staff, the evaluation tests will be adjusted so that said student can take the same tests as their classmates.
On the opportunity brought forward to December:
The exam will be graded on ten points, being necessary to obtain at least a five to pass the subject.

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