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Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Ciencia e Enxeñaría de Datos
  Fundamentals of Computers
Topic Sub-topic
1. Basic computer architecture 1.1 Hierarchy of structural levels
1.2 Brief history of computing
1.3 Von Neumann model
2. Information representation 2.1 Numering systems
2.2 Integer encoding
2.3 Float encoding (IEEE 754)
3. The processor 3.1 Instruction set
3.2 Datapath
3.3 Control unit
4. Memory hierarchy 4.1 Main memory
4.2 Cache memory
4.3 Virtual memory
5. System software 5.1 Operating system
5.2 Processes
5.3 Filesystem
6. I/O subsystem 6.1 I/O modules
6.2 I/O module addressing
6.3 I/O management
7. Storage systems 7.1 Types of storage devices
7.2 RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks)
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