Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Grao en Ciencia e Enxeñaría de Datos
  Data Engineering Project Management
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A16 B2 B3 B4 B7 B8 B9 B10 C1 C3 C4 Dominio de los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos de la materia a través de un examen escrito individual. 50
Laboratory practice B2 B3 B4 B7 B8 B9 B10 C1 C3 C4 Se valorará:
- Nivel técnico de la práctica.
- Completitud, claridad y justificaciones de la práctica.
- Dominio de los conocimientos adquiridos.
- Participación activa en la práctica.
Assessment comments

The objective of the evaluation is to verify that the students possess the necessary fundamental competences and it will be carried out at several different moments in time:

During the project planning and monitoring practice, by means of objective tests in which the mastery of the knowledge put into practice up to that moment and its presentation and final defense will be evaluated.

At the end of the course, through an individual written exam.


The final mark of each student will be obtained as indicated below, to which the mark obtained by optional practices will be added linearly (up to 1 point):

Individual written exam: 50%

Project planning and monitoring practice: 30%.

Project planning and monitoring practice (individual): 20%.

To pass the subject it is necessary to obtain a minimum overall score of 5 points out of 10 and meet the following restrictions:

It is necessary to have a minimum of 5 points out of 10 in the practice of project planning and monitoring.

It is necessary to have a minimum of 5 points out of 10 in the project planning and monitoring practice (individual).

It is necessary to have a minimum of 4.5 points out of 10 in the individual written exam.

In the event that some minimum of the above is not met and the final grade calculated as indicated exceeds 4.0, the grade that will appear for the subject will be 4.0.

Aspects to consider

Practical part:

The groups of students to carry out the practices will be formed under the guidelines of the teachers.

The exhibition and defense of the project planning and monitoring practice will be public during the course's official timetable and all students who have said timetable must attend these acts, and they may ask questions, comments or suggestions. In this act, time will be assigned for the members of the group to speak and another time for questions, criticism, comments and/or suggestions from the teacher and the rest of the students.

In the evaluation of the project planning and monitoring practice, the technical level of the work and its completeness, clarity and exposition will be assessed.

Initially, the mark assigned to the project planning and monitoring practice will be the one received by all the members of the group that defend it, without prejudice to modifications based on the individual active participation of each one.

In the evaluation of individual project planning and monitoring practices, the ability to model a conflict situation in a project and resolve it, using the recommended software, as well as adequately interpret said solution, will be assessed.

Spelling deficiencies of punctuation and accentuation, as well as disjointed or inadequate writing, poor presentation, excessive number of crossing out, etc. will be especially taken into account, both in exams and in assignments. All this will mean a reduction in points on the grade obtained.

In the event that the teaching staff detects fraudulent performance (plagiarism) in the assessment tests, the grade will be adjusted to the provisions of article 14.4. Norms of evaluation, revision and claim of the qualifications of the university degree and master's studies: "In the accomplishment of works, plagiarism and the use of non-original material, including that obtained through the internet without express indication of its origin and , if applicable, the author's permission, may be considered cause for qualification of failure in the activity. All this without prejudice to the disciplinary responsibilities that may arise after the corresponding procedure".

In this matter, if the teacher detects plagiarism in any of the tests, it will mean a 0 in the grade. In case of repetition, it will be transferred to the Academic Commission for taking appropriate measures.

Special emphasis will be placed on caring for the environment in favor of a sustainable education and society. The works will be sent exclusively electronically, and if this is not possible, plastics will not be used in the printed documents, double-sided printing and recycled paper will be chosen, avoiding printing drafts.

A sustainable use of resources and the prevention of negative impacts on the natural environment must be made. The importance of ethical principles related to the values ??of sustainability in personal and professional behavior must be taken into account. To this end, whenever possible in the preparation of the works, recycling material will be used and the use of plastic materials in the delivery of the same will be avoided.

Discrimination based on gender will be avoided and actions and measures will be proposed to correct it. Non-sexist language will be used.

Students who do not pass the subject will have to demonstrate the correct acquisition of the competencies

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