Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Sociology
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Mestrado Universitario en Políticas Sociais e Intervención Sociocomunitaria
  Austerity and precarity in the age of globalization
Topic Sub-topic
TOPIC 1 | Introduction to Austerity 1.1. Historical and Political Context of Austerity
1.2. The Keynesian Era (1950-1973)
1.3. The Neoliberal Turn (1973-2008)
1.4. Austerity policies and their economic and social effects: A comparative analysis of Greece and Portugal
TOPIC 2 | The era of globalization: Five readings from sociology 2.1. Thesis of trade exchange
2.2. Modernizing thesis
2.3. Technological thesis
2.4. Thesis of capitalism
2.5. Thesis of the global risk society
TOPIC 3 | The city as a key actor in the era of precarity 3.1. The neoliberal city: definition and characteristics
3.2. New expressions of urban capitalism: gentrification and touristification
TOPIC 4 | The precarization of work in the era of globalization: forms and effects 4.1. Factors contributing to labor precarity
4.2. Effects of labor precarity
4.3. Models of labor precarity and inequality
TOPIC 5 | Resistance and alternatives to austerity and precarity 5.1. Resistances and alternatives from the Global South: experiences and perspectives
5.2. Resistances and alternatives from the Global North: experiences and perspectives
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