Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Communication Studies
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Grao en Comunicación Audiovisual
  Professional Use of English
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Oral presentation A1 A2 A12 C3 The oral presentation will be scored 50% of the total project marking.

Speaking test A1 A2 A7 A12 Open-ended response questions.

This involves the teacher or evaluator asking the student questions and the student giving the answers orally or by writing them down.
Objective test A1 A2 A7 A12 C3 This usually involves a multiple choice, short answer, essay, true/false, fill in the blank, or matching test to show how much the students learned from the materials that were just covered in the class 40
Online forum A1 A2 A7 A12 C3 Active participation in the subject forum will be taken into account. 10
Seminar A1 A2 A7 A12 C3 Students are required to give their opinions on ethical or technical issues, comment on items, show how they work, and how they can be used for communication. All this in English. 10
Assessment comments

Tasks will be allocated to student sub-groups in the beginning of the course so it is essential that all students interested in taking the course are present at the first meetings. Later on the course will be run mainly on the basis of group work and tutorials. However, classroom attendance will be required for the reporting part.

Students are required to attend the
compulsory sessions, unless they have applied for exemption within the time
period specified by the Academic Commission of the degree, and this exemption
has been granted. This exemption will be valid provided students comply with
the rules on attendance in force at the UDC, and provided they comply with the assessment systems which are
specified in the teaching guides . Students should be aware,
however, that not attending certain classroom sessions may affect their final

who have been granted exemption, as specified in the university regulations,
will be assessed according to the criteria applied to the July opportunity.

who fail
to accomplish or submit at least 50% of the tasks for assessment, will be graded as
absent from assessment (NP: no presentado).

who do not pass in the first opportunity will be able
to re-sit in July, when they will be required to demonstrate that they have
acquired the skills via an objective test plus the exercises agreed upon with the lecturer.

PLAGIARISM: When assessing the students' essays, the teacher will pay attention to possible cases of plagiarism; to that effect, he can interview the students about their written work or use tools like TURNITIN, in order to detect wrong citations, plagiarism or any other type of fraud. Should this occur, the rules for plagiarism will be applied. (See "Normas de avaliación, revisión e reclamación das cualificacións dos estudos de grao emestrado universitario"). TURNITIN recognises papers previously turned in by other people (or the student him/herself) at this university or other universities, as well as other bibliographic and Internet materials.

-The subject may be adapted to students who require the adoption of measures aimed at supporting diversity (be it physical, visual, auditory, cognitive, and learning- or mental health-related). If this is the case, they should contact the services available at the UDC/at the Center: within the official deadlines stipulated in a manner prior to each academic semester, with the Diversity Attention Unit (https://www.udc.es/cufie/adi/apoioalumnado/).

-In accordance with the various regulations governing university teaching, it is necessary to incorporate a gender perspective into this subject. This includes, among other measures, the use of non-sexist language, bibliographies that are inclusive from a gender perspective, and encouraging participation from all students in class, regardless of their gender. 

-We will pay particular attention to identifying and addressing sexist prejudices and attitudes. We will actively work towards the modification of this environment and the promotion of values of respect and equality.  

-Our efforts will focus on detecting cases of gender discrimination and implementing appropriate actions to rectify such cases.
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