Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Architecture
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Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
   Mathematics for Architecture 1
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A5 A11 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B9 C1 C3 C6 C7 C8 The evaluation of the student will be carried out as explained in the observations. 100
Assessment comments

First opportunity (January): The subject matter is divided into two blocks. At the end of each block, there will be a partial liberatory exam of the corresponding subject. Those students who have attended at least 70% of the classes may take the partial exams. Those students with recognition of part-time dedication and/or academic exemption from attendance (which must be communicated to the subject teacher), may take these partial exams without having to achieve the minimum attendance requirement.

Those students who obtain an average grade between the two partials, greater than or equal to 5, will have passed the subject, and will not have to take the final exam.

The final exam will consist of two tests corresponding to the subject of each block. Those students who have not passed the subject through the partial exams will be examined in the block, or blocks, that they have not passed (*). The presentation to the exam of a block supposes the express resignation to the previous qualification, if there was it. To pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain an average grade, between the two blocks, greater than or equal to 5.

(*) Those students who, having to examine the two blocks, only examine one of them, will be graded as failed on the first opportunity and will obtain  the smallest value between 4.5 and the resulting average between the highest recent qualification obtained in each of the blocks.

Second opportunity (July): The students who have not passed the subject in the first opportunity have a second opportunity to pass it. The evaluation of the student in this second opportunity will be carried out by means of a global exam of the entire subject, whose qualification will provide the final mark.

Both opportunities: The fraudulent performance of the tests or evaluation activities, once verified, will directly imply the qualification of suspense in the call in which it is committed, in accordance with the valid rule of the UDC.

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