Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Architecture
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Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
  Construction 3
Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech SESSIONS MAGISTRALES:
Exhibition in the classroom of the corresponding subject of the program. To the start of the session will show the index and the summary of the subject. It will support the explanation with the necessary images and with the diagrams and pictures sinópticos pertinent. At the end of the session will do a summary underlining the most important appearances and will recommend the pertinent complementary readings.

The students will collect in a personalised_daily Fascicle comments, notes, references, computer links, web pages, complementary bibliography, catalogues, books, brochures, guides, etc.... Related with each subject of Construction exposed during each one of the educational sessions.
The students will have to elaborate a document orderly summary with said references.
Workbook The students will read -along the course- the books, articles and documentation that indicate them the professors; so that it remain proof of his fulfillment, will present in time and forms the timely summaries of said readings.
Student portfolio The students will collect on the base of the included Methodologies in the subject (sessions magistrales, readings, study of cases and works tutelados) in a Portafolio_personalised_daily FASCICLE comments, notes, references, computer links, web pages, complementary bibliography, catalogues, books, brochures, guides, etc.... Related with each subject of Construction exposed during each one of the educational sessions.
The students will have to elaborate a document orderly summary with said references that has to present to previous evaluation obligatoriamente before the Objective Proof of the subject.
Objective test It will consist in an examination written on the theoretical contents of the subject. In said proof will include a question of practical type related with appearances already studied in the development of the constructive analysis of each one of the buildings proposed for his study in the works tutelados.
Previously to the realisation of the Proba obxetiva, obligatoriamente the students will deliver the document summary in physical version and computing of the daily_Fascicle customised of the matter collecting comments, notes, references, computer links, web pages, complementary bibliography, catalogues, books, brochures, guides, etc.... Related with each subject of Construction exposed during each one of the educational sessions.
Case study They will make studies of real Architectures built by means of a programming of visits of work where know, measure, analyse, investigate and even know direct explanations of the authors of Architectures of recognised quality and intensity propositiva.
The students will make a constructive architectural study with individual drawings of the generality of each building detailing material elements and constructive systems more significant.
It will study the possibility of realisation of Studies of cases on construction and repair/rehabilitation of works and concrete buildings in collaboration with service of Infrastructures and Edificación of the own University

The realisation and delivery of these analyses is compulsory and of PREVIOUS and conjoint evaluation with objective Proof and Works tutelados.
Supervised projects The Practices of Works tutelados of the subject will make in: 1º- CLASSROOM and 2º- WORKSHOP on architectural SUBJECT of study previously agreed before the start of the academic course and shared with other subjects: Projects + Urbanismo + Construction.

You PRACTISE them of CLASSROOM correspond exclusively to the subject: Construction 3; you PRACTISE them of WORKSHOP will share partially the teaching with the pertaining professors to the areas of knowledge that are integrated in the Workshop shared of the course and cuatrimestre corresponding. The hours of teaching, total, of the Practices of Classroom will be: 45. The hours of teaching, total, of the Practices of Workshop will be: 15.

it PRACTISES It of CLASSROOM will consist in the realisation of a work to develop during the course. The delivery and realisation of the practical will be individual.
The practice will consist in the constructive analysis of 2 buildings: one with structure and construction fundamentally of metal/steel, another with structure and construction fundamentally wooden. The buildings are selected to principle of course between works of architects of recognised prestige. It will contribute the necessary biography that will remain reserved in the library for query of the students. Besides, it will deposit the available documentation in computer support, in the classroom of Computing of the ETSAC. They will make two deliveries and in addition to a final, summary of the works made along the course and that collect the corrections indicated by each professor.

For each building, one of metal and another wooden, simultaneously will make the following deliveries:

First delivery. The first part of the work consists in the graphic analysis of the architecture of the building proposed. They will draw the plants, heaved, a longitudinal vertical section and a transversal to a pertinent scale. The plants will be limited and will include necessarily the plant of covers. They will deliver likewise the plants detailed and limited of the structure of the building to a scale 1/50, properly entitled and with the specification of each structural element. They will present likewise the constructive details of the structure that each professor estimate pertinent. The maximum extension a fold in format A1.
This delivery also will make by computer means in the platform Moodle, in accordance with the characteristics that in said application indicate .

Second delivery. It will consist of a rigid signpost format A1, form by both faces that contain a vertical section of the building determined by each professor for each student- as well as a horizontal section by a corner and a gap of façade, to a scale 1/10 or 1/5. They will appoint each one of the constructive elements as well as his parts and will specify pormenorizadamente in the pictures of pertinent characteristics. The signpost will have to include likewise, the most notable of the previous delivery.
This delivery also will make by computer means in the platform Moodle, in accordance with the characteristics that in said application indicate .

Final delivery. The final delivery will consist in signposts with format A1 that include the corrections made by the professor, form by both faces that contain a vertical section of the building –determined by each professor for each student- as well as a horizontal section by a corner and a gap of façade, to a scale 1/20 1/10 or 1/5. It will appoint each one of the constructive elements as well as his parts and will specify pormenorizadamente in the pictures of pertinent characteristics. The signpost will have to include likewise, the most notable of the previous deliveries with the owed corrections.
This delivery also will make by computer means in the platform Moodle, in accordance with the characteristics that in said application indicate .

The Practice of Workshop shared will consist in the study of the Subject of architectural investigation consensuado with the included subjects in workshop cuatrimestral (Projects + Urbanismo + Construction) elaborating the pertinent constructive proposal of analysis and definition of architecture, his materialisation and proposal reasoned of general constructive system.
The dates of delivery as well as the documentation to present will govern by the agreed conditions/coordinated between the subjects of the Workshop. For the area of Architectural Constructions, the delivery will consist in two pliegos A1, delivered folded in size A4, in which it collect : heaved, plants and sections of the project; plants and sections of the structure; planes of plant+heaved+sections of materials #finish; and constructive proposal of architectural systems and details more notable of the study and possible architecture projected by the student.
This delivery also will make by computer means in the platform Moodle, in accordance with the characteristics that in said application indicate .
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