Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Architecture
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Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
  Construction 3
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Workbook A12 A17 A18 A20 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 The students will read -along the course- the books, articles and documentation that indicate them the professors; so that it remain proof of his fulfillment, will present in time and forms the timely summaries of said readings.
The summaries will have to include in the Portafolio_Daily_FASCICLE customised of the matter.

The no presentation of the mentioned summaries will suppose the consideration of the student as NO PRESENTED.
Objective test A12 A17 A18 A20 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 The contents of the subject will expose fundamentally in classes of the type session magistral; the evaluation of the assimilation by the student of said contents will make by means of an objective Proof.

Previously to the realisation of the objective Proof, obligatoriamente the students will deliver the documents summary in physical and computer version of:
I- Portafolio_daily_FASCICLE customised of the matter collecting comments, notes, references, computer links, web pages, complementary bibliography, catalogues, books, brochures, guides, etc.... Related with each subject of Construction exposed during each one of the educational sessions.
II-Study of CASES Architectures, constructive architectural study with individual drawings of the generality of each building detailing material elements and constructive systems more significant. They will make studies of real Architectures built by means of a programming of visits of work where know, measure, analyse, investigate and even know direct explanations of the authors of Architectures of recognised quality and intensity propositiva.

The realisation and delivery of these analyses is compulsory and of previous and conjoint evaluation with objective Proof and Works tutelados.

To obtain the credits of the subject is indispensable to present to all the proofs of evaluation and will obtain an equal half note or upper to the 5 points on 10; if in some part of the subject did not obtain a qualification of at least 4 points the student will consider no apt, although the global average of the qualifications was upper or the same to the 5 points. ponderará The regularity, the progression and the balanced acquisition of practical knowledges and theorists by part of the student.

It will demand a minimum ASSISTANCE of 85% to be able to present to the objective proof.
It will control by means of signatures in listing of official students in each session, to be able to present to the objective proof.
The incumplimiento of assistance will suppose the qualification of NO PRESENTED.

The evaluation of knowledges shared in the present methodology makes jointly in the objective Proof. To obtain the credits of the subject is indispensable to present to all the proofs of evaluation and will obtain an equal half note or upper to the 5 points on 10; if in some part of the subject did not obtain a qualification of at least 4 points the student will consider no apt, although the global average of the qualifications was upper or the same to the 5 points. ponderará The regularity, the progression and the balanced acquisition of practical knowledges and theorists by part of the student.

FIRST OPPORTUNITY: At the end of the cuatrimestre will make a final examination on the contents explained during the development of the same: Metal and Wood.
The note obtained will suppose 30% of the final note delivered in 25% Examination + 2% daily Fascicle portfolio + 2% Study Cases Architectures +1% Fascicle Readings
In these examinations will include a question of practical type related with appearances already studied in the development of the constructive analysis of each one of the buildings proposed for his study in the Practice of Classroom.

To the student that approve this Theoretical part in the opportunity of June, will conserve him the qualification until following opportunity of Julio.

SECOND OPPORTUNITY: If the student does not approve the subject at the earliest opportunity, will make a proof of the same characteristics and with the same coefficient of weighting in the final note that the made at the earliest opportunity.

The reviews of the examinations will effect in the schedule that fix the professors of the subject. They will announce with the sufficient antelación in the bulletin board of the Department. Along the course will inform periodically to the student of the results of the proofs made.
Guest lecture / keynote speech A12 A17 A18 A20 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 The contents of the subject will expose fundamentally in classes of the type session magistral; the evaluation of the assimilation by the student of said contents will make by means of an objective Proof.

Previously to the realisation of the objective Proof, obligatoriamente the students will deliver the documents summary in physical and computer version of:
I- Portafolio_daily_FASCICLE customised of the matter collecting comments, notes, references, computer links, web pages, complementary bibliography, catalogues, books, brochures, guides, etc.... Related with each subject of Construction exposed during each one of the educational sessions.
II-Study of CASES Architectures, constructive architectural study with individual drawings of the generality of each building detailing material elements and constructive systems more significant. They will make studies of real Architectures built by means of a programming of visits of work where know, measure, analyse, investigate and even know direct explanations of the authors of Architectures of recognised quality and intensity propositiva.

The realisation and delivery of these analyses is compulsory and of previous and conjoint evaluation with objective Proof and Works tutelados.

To obtain the credits of the subject is indispensable to present to all the proofs of evaluation and will obtain an equal half note or upper to the 5 points on 10; if in some part of the subject did not obtain a qualification of at least 4 points the student will consider no apt, although the global average of the qualifications was upper or the same to the 5 points. ponderará The regularity, the progression and the balanced acquisition of practical knowledges and theorists by part of the student.

It will demand a minimum ASSISTANCE of 85% to be able to present to the objective proof.
It will control by means of signatures in listing of official students in each session, to be able to present to the objective proof.
The incumplimiento of assistance will suppose the qualification of NO PRESENTED.
The evaluation of knowledges shared in the present methodology makes jointly in the objective Proof.
Supervised projects A12 A17 A18 A20 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 FIRST OPPORTUNITY: To surpass the practical part of the subject -Practical of Classroom and Practical of Workshop shared- the students will have to effect on time all the planned deliveries along the course; they will have to present the last delivery with the corrections indicated by the professor; and they will have to obtain at least a qualification of 5 points on 10.

The note of the Practice of CLASSROOM and the note of the Practice of Workshop will suppose 65% of the total note final of the subject, with 60% and 5% respectively.
To this note will have to add the note of Studies of Architectures (cases) that supposes 5% of the total note final of the subject, resulting 70% of the total of the subject.

The no presentation of the mentioned practical works will suppose the consideration of the student as no presented.

It will demand a minimum assistance of 85% to be able to present to the Practical part of Classroom and the Practical part of Workshop shared the subject.

The no total or partial presentation of the exercises of Practice of Classroom and Practical of Workshop shared will suppose the qualification of NO PRESENTED.

To the student that approve this part Practises in the opportunity of January, will conserve him the qualification until following opportunity of Julio.

SECOND OPPORTUNITY: If the student does not approve the subject at the earliest opportunity, will present in the date fixed the same works demanded at the earliest opportunity incorporating the corrections and distinguished indications by the professor. It will value with the same coefficient of weighting in the final note that the made at the earliest opportunity.

The reviews of the examinations will effect in the schedule that fix the professors of the subject. They will announce with the sufficient antelación in the bulletin board of the Department. Along the course will inform periodically to the student of the results of the proofs made.
Student portfolio A12 A17 A18 A20 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 The students will collect on the base of the included Methodologies in the subject (sessions magistrales, readings, study of cases and works tutelados) in a Portafolio_personalised_Daily FASCICLE comments, notes, references, computer links, web pages, complementary bibliography, catalogues, books, brochures, guides, etc.... Related with each subject of Construction exposed during each one of the educational sessions.
The students will have to elaborate a document orderly summary with said references that has to present to previous evaluation obligatoriamente before the Objective Proof of the subject.

FIRST OPPORTUNITY: To surpass the part of Portafolio_Daily_FASCICLE, the students will have to effect on time the final delivery foreseen of the course; they will have to present the last delivery with the corrections indicated by the professor; and they will have to obtain at least a qualification of 5 points on 10.

It will demand a minimum assistance of 85% to be able to present to the part Portafolio_Daily_FASCICLE of the subject.

The no total or partial presentation of the exercises of Portafolio_Daily_FASCICLE will suppose the qualification of NO PRESENTED.

To the student that approve this part of Portafolio_Daily_FASCICLE in the opportunity of June, will conserve him the qualification until following opportunity of Julio.

SECOND OPPORTUNITY: If the student does not approve the subject at the earliest opportunity, will make a proof of the same characteristics and with the same coefficient of weighting in the final note that the made at the earliest opportunity.

The reviews of the examinations will effect in the schedule that fix the professors of the subject. They will announce with the sufficient antelación in the bulletin board of the Department.
Case study A12 A17 A18 A20 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 They will make studies of real Architectures built by means of a programming of visits of work where know, measure, analyse, investigate and even know direct explanations of the authors of Architectures of recognised quality and intensity propositiva.
The students will make a Study of CASES Architectures, constructive architectural study with individual drawings of the generality of each building detailing material elements and constructive systems more significant.
The realisation and delivery of these analyses is compulsory and of previous and conjoint evaluation with objective Proof and Works tutelados.

FIRST OPPORTUNITY: To surpass the part of Studies of CASES Architectures, the students will have to effect on time all the planned deliveries along the course; they will have to present the last delivery with the corrections indicated by the professor; and they will have to obtain at least a qualification of 5 points on 10.

The note of Studies of Architectures (cases) will suppose 3% of the total note final of the subject, in the section of the practical part of the evaluation and will add to 60% corresponding to the evaluation of Works tutelados, resulting 70% of the total of the subject.

To obtain the credits of the subject is indispensable to present to all the proofs of Evaluation and will obtain an equal half note or upper to the 5 points on 10; if in some part of the subject did not obtain a qualification of at least 4 points the student will consider no apt, although the global average of the qualifications was upper or the same to the 5 points. ponderará The regularity, the progression and the balanced acquisition of practical knowledges and theorists by part of the student.

It will demand a minimum assistance of 85% to be able to present to splits it Studies of Architectures (cases) of the subject.

The no total or partial presentation of the exercises of Studies of Architectures (cases) will suppose the qualification of NO PRESENTED.

To the student that approve this part of Studies of Architectures (cases) in the opportunity of January, will conserve him the qualification until following opportunity of Julio.

SECOND OPPORTUNITY: If the student does not approve the subject at the earliest opportunity, will make a proof of the same characteristics and with the same coefficient of weighting in the final note that the made at the earliest opportunity.

The reviews of the examinations will effect in the schedule that fix the professors of the subject. They will announce with the sufficient antelación in the bulletin board of the Department.
Assessment comments

The criteria of evaluation and recovery in the Second Opportunity, so much for objective Proof like Works tutelados, will have the same coefficients of weighting and identical requirement of minimum qualification of 5 points on 10, that the distinguished for the First Opportunity.

Measures of dedication for the students part time: they do not contemplate , due to the fact that it treats  of a matter in which the Works tutelados, Study of cases and Workshop are fundamental methodologies.

It dispenses academic: it does not contemplate , for being a matter in which the Works tutelados, Study of cases and Workshop are fundamental methodologies.

The detection of plagiarism, as well as the fraudulent realisation of proofs or activities of evaluation, once checked, will involve directly the qualification of suspense “0” in the matter in the corresponding announcement, invalidating like this any qualification obtained in all the activities of evaluation of face to the extraordinary announcement

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