Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Architecture
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Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
   Basic Habitat
Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Aimed at the conceptual introduction and providing the information necessary for the development of theoretical-practical exercises.
Workshop Students will apply concepts and methodologies to the proposed cases of study, with support and supervision from the teaching staff.
This includes for each student oral presentation of the practical work carried out, response to control tests of the training process and the production of a final document which explains the analysis made of their respective case study or intervention proposal.
In the direction of what has been practiced in previous years, collaborations will be drawn up with other schools and/or entities, whenever circumstances allow it. This fact can modify the teaching calendar by carrying out trips or activities outside the classrooms, which in any case will be agreed with the enrolled students. Taking into account this, it will be valued to carry out an educational proposal of learning and service, in which students are trained by working on the real needs of the environment with the aim of improving it.
Events academic / information Attendance at activities organized by the center, the UDC, or other knowledge actors, which are recommended by teachers and which involve attendance and/or participation in scientific and/or informative events (congresses, conferences, symposia, courses, seminars, conferences, exhibitions and other types of events) with the aim of deepening the knowledge of study topics related to the subject.
Mixed objective/subjective test It is a theoretical-practical test in which the student must obtain a grade higher than five (5) out of ten (10) points to pass the subject.
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