Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Nautical Science and Naval Engines
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Grao en Náutica e Transporte Marítimo
   Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A54 RA1C-Write, explain and transmit the theoretical knowledge acquired both orally and in writing using scientific-technical language.
A55 RA2C-Identify and relate acquired knowledge to other disciplines
A56 RA3C-Writing and interpreting technical documentation in English
A57 RA4C-Collecting and interpreting relevant data
A59 RA6C-Identify critical situations and use available means in order to resolve them effectively.
B31 RA9H-Effectively solve practical problems associated with the subject by applying the knowledge acquired.
B32 RA10H-Know, analyse, synthesise and apply the contents, fundamental concepts and applications of the subject.
B33 RA11H-Develop both individual and group work
B34 RA12H-Handle bibliographic material and computer resources.
B35 RA13H-Handle with ease the tools, techniques, equipment and/or material/instrumental of each subject.
B36 RA14H-Use information and communication technology (ICT) tools necessary for the exercise of their profession and for lifelong learning.
B54 RA53H–Transporting dangerous goods
B66 RA67H–Take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment due to the discharge of oil or chemicals.
B72 RA73H–Take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment due to the release of liquefied gases.
B74 RA75H–Minimise fire risks, and maintain a state of readiness to respond to fire emergencies at all times.
B75 RA76H–Fighting and extinguishing fires.
B78 RA79H–Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment.
B79 RA80H–Observe safe working practices.
B93 RA96H–Contribute to increased maritime security by raising awareness.
C14 RA16X-Produce a report in a rigorous and systematic way.
C15 RA17X-Communicating effectively in a work environment.
C20 RA25X–Respond to emergencies
C24 RA32X–Ensuring compliance with pollution prevention requirements
C26 RA34X–Preventing, controlling and fighting fires on board
C27 RA37X–Monitoring compliance with legislative requirements
C28 RA39X–Contributing to the safety of personnel and the vessel
C34 RA55X–Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea, maritime security and protection of the marine environment.
C35 RA56X–Maintaining the safety and security of the ship, crew and passengers, and the proper functioning of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems
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