Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Nautical Science and Naval Engines
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Grao en Náutica e Transporte Marítimo
  Ship's Energy and auxiliary systems
   Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A57 RA4C-Collecting and interpreting relevant data
A58 RA5C-Identify ship components.
A59 RA6C-Identify critical situations and use available means in order to resolve them effectively.
B31 RA9H-Effectively solve practical problems associated with the subject by applying the knowledge acquired.
B33 RA11H-Develop both individual and group work
B35 RA13H-Handle with ease the tools, techniques, equipment and/or material/instrumental of each subject.
B53 RA50H–Operate the remote controls of propulsion installations and machine systems and services
B61 RA62H–Contributing to the safe operation of tanker and chemical tanker cargoes
B67 RA68H–To contribute to the safe operation of liquefied gas tankers.
C15 RA17X-Communicating effectively in a work environment.
C16 RA18X-Reviewing compliance with maritime legislative requirements
C24 RA32X–Ensuring compliance with pollution prevention requirements
C25 RA33X–Maintaining the seaworthiness of the ship
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