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Higher Technical University College of Nautical Science and Naval Engines
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Grao en Náutica e Transporte Marítimo
  Ship Manoeuvering II
   Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A59 RA6C-Identify critical situations and use available means in order to resolve them effectively.
B31 RA9H-Effectively solve practical problems associated with the subject by applying the knowledge acquired.
B33 RA11H-Develop both individual and group work
B40 RA27H–Use of IMO Standard Phrases for maritime communications, and use of written and spoken English.
B53 RA50H–Operate the remote controls of propulsion installations and machine systems and services
B57 RA58H–Using leadership and management qualities
B79 RA80H–Observe safe working practices.
C15 RA17X-Communicating effectively in a work environment.
C20 RA25X–Respond to emergencies
C22 RA29X–Manoeuvring the ship
C29 RA40X–Planning a voyage and directing navigation
C30 RA48X–Take action in case of navigational emergencies
C31 RA49X–Manoeuvring and steering the ship in all conditions
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