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Higher Technical University College of Nautical Science and Naval Engines
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Grao en Náutica e Transporte Marítimo
  Ship Trainning
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Development and practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired during the Bachelor's Degree. In addition to the student's own tasks on board, the student must complete the tasks assigned by the marine authorities. The student will put into practice those competencies related to the type of internship to be carried out, so they will develop in more depth those contents related to column 2, Knowledge, Understanding and Sufficiency, of the STCW Convention, modified by Manila 2010, of table AII/2.
O desenvolvemento e superación destes contidos, xunto cos correspondentes a outras materias que inclúan a adquisición de competencias específicas da titulación, garanten o coñecemento, comprensión e suficiencia das competencias recollidas no cadro AII/2, do Convenio STCW. Table A-II/2 of the STCW Convention.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes