Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Educational Studies
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Mestrado Universitario en Psicoloxía Aplicada
  Psychological Intervention in the Family
Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Information about the subject, procedures, evaluation and expectations about the subject.
Workbook Several readings will be compulsory.
Simulation Role playings will refer to families either real or not (with fictional names). Role playings will have to do with individual (one family) and group sessions.
Guest lecture / keynote speech The teacher will talk.
Document analysis Documents that students should analyze and about which they will have to answer several questions.
Multiple-choice questions Quiz exam with three options and just one right answer.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes