Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Educational Studies
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Mestrado Universitario en Didácticas Específicas
  Music Teaching: Resources and Methods
   Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 To know the theoretical basis of interdisciplinary work and identify its centre of interest in school and non-school contexts.
A3 To design, justify and evaluate in a systematic manner interdisciplinary proposals in different educational contexts.
A7 - To be able to apply theoretical knowledge related to Specific Didactics, both in research as in innovation and evaluation.
A9 To test and evaluate disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching projects in real educational contexts and to promote suggestions for improvement related to the obtained results.
A11 To know and understand scientific language and use it correctly in different ways of expression and communication.
A17 To select, adapt and apply materials, resources and ICTs to improve the teaching and learning in different disciplinary fields.
B1 To have and understand general knowledge to establish foundations and /or opportunities to stand out in the development and implementation of ideas, mainly in an action- research context.
B2 To be able to apply the acquired foundations and their problem-solving capabilities in new multidisciplinary contexts related to the specific research areas.
B3 To be able to join contents and accept the challenge to formulate complex statements out of a limited or incomplete information, including reflections about social and ethic responsibilities related to the application of their own knowledge and opinions.
B4 To be able to transfer and communicate their conclusions and opinions in a clear and straight manner both in a specialized and a non-specialized audience.
B5 To have the required learning abilities to continue in a life-long-learning and autonomous process.
B6 To be able to analyse and synthesize.
B7 To be able to adapt to new situations.
B8 To work with initiative and in an autonomous way.
B9 To work in a collaborative way.
B11 To be able to innovate (creativity) within educational and non-educational contexts.
B15 To be able to update knowledge, methodologies and strategies in their teaching practices
C1 To express correctly, both orally and in written texts, in the two co-official languages of the Autonomous Community.
C3 To use the main ICT’s basic tools for their professional development and for their life-long-learning process.
C4 To be able to self-develop for an open, critical, committed, democratic and solidary citizenship.
C6 To critically value available knowledge, technology and information to solve problems which students must face.
C7 To assume as a professional and as a citizen the importance of life-long-learning.
C8 To value the importance that research, innovation and technical developments have on society’s socio-economical and cultural progress.
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