Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Educational Studies
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Mestrado Universitario en Didácticas Específicas
  Foreign Language and Literature Teaching: Research and Innovation
   Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A10 To know the theoretical basis which sustain research and innovation in the field of Specific Didactics.
A12 To identify the main research and innovation lines and their evolution in the area of Specific Didactics.
A13 To analyse and critically assess research work and innovation projects in specific disciplinary fields.
A14 To know the different types of methodologies used in educational research considering its appropriateness for problem-solving.
A15 To identify quality and control criteria both in research and in the teaching practice, encouraging a critical, reflective and innovative spirit.
A16 To design, justify and evaluate research and innovation projects in the field of Specific Didactics.
A17 To select, adapt and apply materials, resources and ICTs to improve the teaching and learning in different disciplinary fields.
B1 To have and understand general knowledge to establish foundations and /or opportunities to stand out in the development and implementation of ideas, mainly in an action- research context.
B4 To be able to transfer and communicate their conclusions and opinions in a clear and straight manner both in a specialized and a non-specialized audience.
B6 To be able to analyse and synthesize.
B8 To work with initiative and in an autonomous way.
B9 To work in a collaborative way.
B11 To be able to innovate (creativity) within educational and non-educational contexts.
B14 To incorporate ICTs for the research process, information management, data analysis and for transferability.
C2 To express correctly, both orally and in written texts, in a foreign language (English).
C3 To use the main ICT’s basic tools for their professional development and for their life-long-learning process.
C6 To critically value available knowledge, technology and information to solve problems which students must face.
C8 To value the importance that research, innovation and technical developments have on society’s socio-economical and cultural progress.
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