Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Educational Studies
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Grao en Educación Infantil
  Theory of Education
Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation of the contents of the subject, complemented with the use of relevant resources (textual and/or audiovisual) and the introduction of questions addressed to students to motivate reflection and open dialogue. The final objective is the transmission of knowledge and at the same time facilitating its learning, enhancing the participation of students in the meaningful construction of knowledge.
Document analysis Critical and reflective analysis of relevant documents and sources (bibliographic, legislative, audiovisual, journalistic...), which implies the identification and understanding of the key aspects in relation to the contents of the subject. Spaces for dialogue will be promoted in the class to accompany the discussion and deep understanding of the content of the readings.
Supervised projects Group work that integrates the contents of the subject around the analysis and deep understanding of a pedagogical proposal. Through cooperative work in a small group, they must carry out a bibliographic review aimed at understanding and systematizing the proposal, examining it from the knowledge of Educational Theory. Likewise, they must prepare an intervention in the classroom to present the proposal to their classmates, promoting learning about it.
Collaborative learning The subject works with multiple cooperative learning strategies that promote learning through small group interaction. These activities include initial activities for exploring previous ideas, guided discussion activities, cooperative analysis of texts, creation of conceptual maps, analysis of experiences, socio-affective techniques for exploring social and educational realities, etc.
Aprendizaxe servizo Methodology that combines community service with learning in a single project, in which students are involved in a proposal to promote education experiences for global citizenship in preschool schools. The methodological proposal is developed linked to the various subjects of the course, and within the framework of this they must develop the theoretical-methodological framework of the proposal.
Mixed objective/subjective test It aims to determine the achievements of students in achieving learning objectives and motivate continuous monitoring of the subject. Its realization will accompany the development of the subject. Activities of various kinds may be proposed to assess learning. They are combined: closed questions, essay questions, analysis of texts or images, analysis of experiences, etc. Passing these tasks seeks to reinforce competence in the development of this type of tasks and offers the possibility of subtracting content for the exam.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes