Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Educational Studies
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Grao en Educación Primaria
  Attention to Diversity: Pedagogic and Management Aspects
Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Initially, among all the students, experiences lived in the primary classrooms will be collected and grouped together in a document shared by the whole class. These experiences, which will be related to the topics of the subject, will be used to work with them in the classrooms in order to prepare the portfolio.
Directed discussion The aim is to exchange ideas and develop one's own thinking on the topics worked on.
Case study Each student or group of students will select two real teaching-learning situations to describe, analyse and interpret, and finally provide guidelines and orientations to promote inclusive education for all. The aim of this activity is for each student to be able to identify variables, make assumptions, etc. that will help them to understand what is happening in the classroom. Students are provided with a case analysis guide, which consists of three sections: identification of the significant aspects of the situation, elaboration of hypotheses that help to explain what may be happening in that context, and suggestions for classroom work to overcome the situation. WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF NEGOTIATING TO TRY TO DEVELOP THIS SUBJECT THROUGH APS, if possible, these activities will be included in the APS.
Workbook Readings Indicate in the classroom those that are compulsory and those that are optional.
Events academic / information The aim is to take advantage of the different resources of the university and other institutions or groups of a cultural and educational nature, in relation to the contents and competences of the subject.
Guest lecture / keynote speech This will take place at the beginning of each thematic unit, or when, through the monitoring of classroom and individual work, the need to clarify or introduce essential or new concepts is perceived.
Supervised projects The supervised works have as their objective the preparation of a didactic proposal. Each team will start from a specific classroom context (Annex), to which more data can be added. Throughout the term, mostly in class, the different sections that make up the didactic proposal will be elaborated and correspond to the following elements: Skills, objectives, contents and evaluation criteria selected from the perspective of a globalized education;
methodologies, intervention strategies and materials/resources adapted to the DUA model; Classroom climate: space, time, interaction and social justice in the classroom. Each team must carry out a contextualized intervention proposal in a specific ordinary class that will be defined and explained in detail. Each team must make an intervention proposal for that ordinary class. The didactic proposal is based on a perspective of attention to inclusive diversity, based on the Universal Learning Design. Each team will present its proposal. WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF NEGOTIATION, TO TRY TO HAVE THIS MATERIAL DEVELOPED THROUGH AN APS, SO THAT THESE ACTIVITIES CAN BE CARRIED OUT WITHIN IT.
Practical test: This activity is carried out in a team. The students are proposed a practical case of those proposed by the students themselves and they will tend to analyze the possible hypotheses of what happens in that situation, what obstacles are detected and that make it difficult for all students to share a successful learning experience for all the people who form part of the class. We will analyze the capacity of the team to detect what is going on, the strategies and proposals that are carried out to overcome the problems that characterize this situation
Collaborative learning Collaborative learning will be the constant of the assignment. The tutored work and the practical test will be carried out in a team and, whoever considers it, can also carry out the case study. The equipment will give an internal assessment of its level of operation and the implication in the follow-up of the subject.
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