Teaching GuideTerm
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Grao en Educación Social
  Information Gathering and Analysing Techniques
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Problem solving A19 B2 C1 This task is intended for one single content of the subject (Topic 3). It is intended to allow students to combine other methodologies, such as problem solving, guided practice (guided worksheets), etc. However, bearing in mind that with the subject, students develop purely practical tasks on this topic with the support and supervision of the teaching staff. All this will only be carried out when topic 3 is explained.

The teachers will present the notes of this topic (through the Virtual Campus); in the expository classes they will explain with solutions of problems from the notes; in the interactive classes they will present guided practices for the student to carry out. FOR ALL THIS, THE STUDENT MUST BRING THE REVISED NOTES.

Students must carry out all the proposed practices and include them in a single document, in the form of a dossier, which will be handed in to the teachers by the established deadline, under the name "Information analysis techniques". If this document is failed, it must be presented as a non-attending student or as a student not attending the classroom (see assessment).
This document will only serve for the continuous evaluation (it means that: whoever passes the mixed test (in each of the parts gets a 5) the evaluation of this document will be counted; whoever has a part of the mixed test passed with a 5 but in another part gets a minimum, the evaluation of this document can help to pass).

The assessment of this paper will not count if you do not pass with a 5 on all parts of the combined test or if you do not reach a minimum on any of those parts.

Important note: students who are not in attendance do not have to present this document, but it is advisable to do it and take advantage of the tutorials to ask questions about it (in the evaluation of the subject there were questions about it).
Mixed objective/subjective test A5 A6 A13 A19 A21 B1 B2 B5 B6 C1 C3 C4 C6 C8 The exam of the 1st and 2nd opprtunities (June and July) is what refers to the evaluation of this methodology and consists of two parts:

1-TECHNIQUES PART: it will consist of a number of open response items, or short answer or true and false but justifying (the type of questions will be determined by the teaching staff). This part is passed when a score of 5 out of 10 points is reached, which is the maximum score that can be reached here (no marks will be kept for any part, in any exam session, if you fail).

2-ANALYSIS PART: it consists of several statistical problems or short answer questions or true/false questions (the teacher will decide the type of questions). This part is passed when a score of 5 out of 10 points is reached, which is the maximum score that can be reached here.

In both parts (Techniques part and Analysis part) incorrectly answered questions will be deducted. Before the end of the teaching period, teachers may take a mock test during the class timetable of the subject. Attendance at this mock test is not compulsory.


The exam must be passed in order to be taken into account for continuous assessment. In order to pass the exam, it is essential that both of the following requirements are met:

(a) 5 points or more are achieved in the mixed test;

(b) at least half of the value of each of the parts (technical part and analysis part) must be reached.

If any of the parts is failed (the minimum passing score is not reached) or if the continuous assessment is not passed (doseres), the student must take the next exam with everything. NO PARTS OF ANY EXAM FROM ONE EXAM SESSION WILL BE KEPT FOR ANOTHER OR OTHER EXAM SESSIONS.
The dates of the exams are set by the Faculty Board, therefore, they do not move.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Case study A6 A13 A21 C1 This task is aimed at the contents of the subject (Topic 1 and 2). It is intended to allow students to combine other methodologies such as problem solving, guided practice (guided worksheets), etc. But bearing in mind that with it the students develop purely practical tasks on this subject with the support and supervision of the teachers. All this will only take place when topic 1 and 2 are explained.

The teachers will present the notes on this subject to the students (through the Virtual Campus); in the expository classes they will explain the notes with cases; in the interactive classes the teachers will present guided practices (guided worksheets) for the students to carry out.

The students must carry out all the proposed practices and include them in a single document, in the form of a dossier, which they will hand in to the teacher within the established deadline, under the name of "Techniques for collecting information". If this document is failed, it must be submitted as a non-attending student or as a student not attending the classroom (see assessment).
This document will only serve for the continuous evaluation (it means that: whoever passes the mixed test (in each of the parts gets a 5) the evaluation of this document will be counted; whoever has a part of the mixed test passed with a 5 but in another part gets a minimum, the evaluation of this document can help to pass). Y

The assessment of this paper will not count if you do not pass with a 5 on all parts of the combined test or if you do not reach a minimum on any of those parts.

Important note: students who are not in attendance do not have to present this document, but it is advisable to do it and take advantage of the tutorials to ask questions about it (in the evaluation of the subject there were questions about it).
Assessment comments

Firstly, the assessment of the course (set out in the section of the teaching guide entitled "Step 7: Assessment") will be governed by the following:

a) STUDENTS ATTENDING CLASSES (or students with an academic dispensation) (on-site students) are considered to attend 80%, this is equivalent to not having more than 3 unjustified absences. Medical absences are justified (with justification duly covered by a registered doctor) and absences due to work (with justification duly covered in the work where it is justified that the student is working during class hours) or any other absence, always with the approved documentation.

The evaluation of these students takes into account the following: 1-The mixed test; 2-The case study and 3-Problem solving.

All students ATTENDING OR PRESENT will have to pass the continuous assessment (dossiers) in order to be able to take the mixed test under the conditions explained for this group of students. The continuous assessment is equivalent to 50% of the final mark for the course (a minimum of 25% is required to pass this part). Likewise, it is essential to achieve a minimum of 25% out of 50% in the mixed test to consider this assessment passed (taking into account the need to achieve a minimum in each part, techniques and analysis, as specified in the corresponding section in the didactic guide).


b) STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ALWAYS ATTEND CLASSES (non-attending students) are considered absent when they miss more than 80%, i.e. they have more than three unexcused absences, or have more than two absences in one of the parts of the subject (data collection and/or analysis techniques). Medical absences are excused (with justification duly covered by a registered doctor) and absences due to work (with justification duly covered in the work where it is justified that the student is working during class hours).

These students will take the 1st and 2nd exams. It is recommended that students complete the two assignments of the course ("Data collection techniques" and "Data analysis") independently, as these will be assessed in the final exam of the course (50%).


Every student enrolled in this subject, before the presentation of the subject or the same day of the presentation of the subject (the presentation IS ALWAYS PRESENTED), must carry out several tasks. One of these tasks is to select the learning modality (if you are a student attending class or not attending class). If the student does not complete this task as well as other tasks (on the virtual campus) WITHIN THE DEADLINE SET BY THE TEACHERS, he/she will be considered as a student NOT ATTENDING CLASSES (teachers who have sent emails through the virtual campus should be attentive).

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