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Faculty of Health Sciences
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Grao en Terapia Ocupacional
  Work Placement II
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Workbook A6 A8 A11 A12 A19 B3 B6 B8 B31 C1 Valorarase a integración dos conceptos teórico-prácticos abordados nas lecturas obligatorias, en relación coas competencias específicas da materia, na realización dos traballos tutelados. 10
Case study A6 A8 A10 A11 A12 A17 A19 B3 B6 B7 B8 B9 B11 B15 B31 C1 Valorarase, ademáis das competencias adquiridas, a capacidade de expresión escrita do alumnado (avaliando de forma negativa os erros gramaticais e ortográficos), a integración de conceptos e a capacidade de resolución de problemas 10
Aprendizaxe servizo A6 A8 A10 A12 A17 A19 B3 B6 B7 B8 B9 B11 B15 B31 C1 Esta metodoloxía empregarase para avaliar a adquisición de destrezas para a intervención no ámibito comunitario, en equipos de traballo e en coordinación con profesionais e institucións de iniciativa social. 15
Field trip A6 A8 A10 A12 A17 A19 B3 B6 B7 B8 B9 B11 B15 B31 C1 Empregarase esta metodoloxía para avaliar as actitudes e habilidades dxs estudantes na práctica en entornos comunitarios, na atención directa aos usuarios e/ou equipos de traballo.
Asemade, valorarase o traballo desenvolvido nas saídas de campo acompañadxs polas/os docentes así coma a que a/o estudante realizará de forma autónoma, tendo en conta a observación realizada dos contornos, a detección dos condicionantes relevantes para o desempeño ocupacional, e a capacidade de modificar contornos reais para que faciliten a autonomía.
Simulation A6 A8 A10 A11 A12 A17 A19 B3 B6 B7 B8 B9 B11 B15 B31 C1 A través desta metodoloxía valoraranse as atitudes ehabilidades de cara a planificar e abordar unha intervención, así como a integración e a aplicación de conceptos teórico-prácticos, as destrezas e os coñecementos adquiridos. 25
Assessment comments
The subject of Practical Stays II deals with practical contents such as the observation and initial assessment, the planning of the intervention on the environment, and the recording of the information of the whole process. These contents will be worked as a group and individually, in an autonomous and supervised manner. Therefore, the subject is distributed in an autonomous work schedule to be carried out by the student (individually or in pairs), and in a class attendance time with the teachers of the subject, in the theoretical contents will be addressed, the planned practice will be carried out, and the autonomous practice of the student will be supervised. The final evaluation will include both autonomous work in the field and presencial.Los aspects and criteria that will be taken into consideration when evaluating planned activities with the previously proposed methodology are the acquisition of theoretical knowledge related to the subject, the application of that knowledge to the supervised practice, and the development of logical and critical thinking applied to concrete situations. Therefore, there will be a continuous evaluation of the evolution observed in the student, and an evaluation of the final works required to pass the subject. The student must submit a total of three final works, each corresponding to the teaching part of each teacher. The date of delivery will be duly notified to the students in advance (preferably at the beginning of the semester): - - Development of an infographic related to the concepts included in the Environmental Factors of the CIF or the contexts and environments of the Framework.
- Making an accessibility report on specific aspects of the Oza Campus environment.
- Argumented and critical reflection on a field trip or practice of evaluation of the home environment (pending planning during the semester).

The delivery of these three works on the proposed date is mandatory for the passing of the subject.

Attendance to class attendance is mandatory; This is a criterion required to overcome the matter, not valuable. IT IS COMPULSORY TO ATTEND AT 85% OF THE SCHOOL HOURS, ALLOWING THE ABSENCE AT 15%.
The final grade of the subject, over 10 points, will be distributed as follows:
a) Exposure of an infographic of contextual factors and delivery of an individual task (reflection on barriers and facilitators) (Professor Mansilla Barreiro): 3 points
b) Accessibility report Campus de Oza (professor García Crespo): 3 points
c) Critical reflection of the field output / assessment of home environment (Professor De Rosende Celeiro): 3 points
d) Continuous evaluation of the student by the three professors (evaluate the initiative, interest, critical participation and evolution in the acquisition of competences of the subject): 1 point

To pass the subject, the student must have presented the three required documents, reached a final grade of 5 points and have met the attendance criteria. If the student does not reach that minimum qualification, has not submitted the three documents required on the proposed date, or has not met the minimum compulsory attendance criteria, they will be entitled to a final written test that will be held on the date set in the academic calendar. official approved in Faculty Board.

The rating system will be expressed by numerical rating in accordance with the provisions of art. 5 of Royal Decree 1125/2003 of September 5 (BOE September 18), which establishes the European credit system and the system of qualifications in university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the national territory. Grading system: 0-4.9 = Suspense 5-6.9 = Approved 7-8.9 = Notable 9-10 = Outstanding 9-10 Honors (Graciable)
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