Teaching GuideTerm
University College of Nursing (C)
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Grao en Enfermaría
  Gerontological Nursing
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A49 A50 A51 A52 B1 B3 B8 B13 C4 C10 C11 C12 The realization of the work supervised will be compulsory.
It will mark on a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 10. The part written will mark 10% and will be the same for all the members of the group and 5% remaining will mark according to the skills showed in the oral presentation by each student.

For the evaluation of the works will follow criteria of quality regarding: presentation, structure, content, bibliography and oral presentation. It will deliver a rubrica to the students with the criteria of evaluation of the work tutelado.

This work will suppose 15% of the final note.
Mixed objective/subjective test A50 A51 A52 A49 B2 B8 B9 B13 B3 C4 C4 C10 Proof written to evaluate the learning of the skills that will be composed by questions type test (will compose 70% of the examination) and short questions and of resolution of cases (30% remaining).

The failures subtract 0,33. The questions in white do not mark. The final punctuation will correspond with the number of answers hit, done the deduction of the answered wrongly. Being indispensable condition to approve the subject, approve the examination with an equal or upper note to a 5 on 10.

This proof will suppose 60% of the final note.
Seminar A52 B3 B1 B2 B8 B9 B13 They will resolve diverse situations described in clinical cases so much of individual form as in groups of work.
This part will suppose 25% of the final note. The individual work of the student will compute 10%, the work in group 10% and the participation and assistance to the seminars will suppose 5% of the note.
Assessment comments

-The criteria of evaluation of the second opportunity (July) will be the same that the ones of the first opportunity (February). That is to say, 60% of the evaluation of the matter will depend on the objective proof type test/short answer. On the other hand, 15% of the qualification will depend of the work tutelado grupal (10% of the work written and 5% of presentation). Finally, 20% of the qualification of the matter will depend on the evaluation and continuous follow-up of the seminars and of the assistance to the classrooms (5%).

- SECOND OPPORTUNITY: For those students that do not surpass the matter at the earliest opportunity of evaluation, will keep  the same percentages of evaluation that at the earliest opportunity and the student will be able to go back to make any one of the tasks evaluated that it had suspended, in this case of individual form (the same that initially were in group) and will have to deliver them 10 days before the date of the examination. The tasks that do not repeat will keep the qualification of the first opportunity. It will have to repeat, in any case, the final examination of the matter. The parts surpassed in first opportunity will conserve  only for the second opportunity.

-The qualification of NO PRESENTED: it will award  to those students that do not present  to the examination.

-The students of PARTIAL TIME, DISPENSES ACADEMIC, ERASMUS, SICUE and BILATERAL will be able to opt by the evaluation of the ordinary modality or evaluation in which it will correspond 60% with the note of the examination of proof and 40% with the work tutelado (that in this case it will be individual).

-They will opt to the qualification of MATRÍCULA OF HONOUR the student that having obtained an upper global qualification to 9, have been the best qualification of the class in the opportunity evaluated and his contribution in the classes and seminars have been significant.

-Announcement of the OPPORTUNITY ADVANCED OF EVALUATION: For those students that requested the opportunity advanced of evaluation, fulfil with the requirements and concede it will be able to present to the final theoretical examination whose qualification will suppose 100% of the qualification of the matter.

- In the realisation of the works of the matter, the plagiarism and the utilisation of material no original, included the obtained through internet, without indication expresses of his origin and, in his case, the permission of his author/to, will describe  with suspense (0,0) in the activity. All this without prejudice to the disciplinary responsibilities to that it could have place after the corresponding procedure.

-The fraudulent realisation of the proofs or activities of evaluation, once checked, will involve directly the qualification of suspense in the announcement in that it commit : the/the student/to will be described with “suspense” (numerical note 0) in the corresponding announcement of the academic course, so much if the commission of the fault produces  at the earliest opportunity as in the second. For this, will proceed  to modify his qualification in the record of first opportunity, if it was necessary.


- The delivery of the documentary works that make  in this matter, will make  in digital format without need of impression.

- It will take into account the ethical principles related with the values of the sustainability in the personal and professional behaviours.

-In this matter will take into account the perspective of gender, looking after the no utilisation of a language sexista in the classroom, in the documents elaborated in the matter and in the clinical activities made with the students.

- It will work to identify and modify prejudices and attitudes sexistas inside the classroom or in the clinical context, incidiendo in the surroundings to modify it and improve values of respect and equality.

- It will facilitate the full integration of the students that by physical reasons, sensory, psychic or socioculturales, experience difficulties for an optimum access, egalitarian and profitable to the university life.

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