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Escola Politécnica de Enxeñaría de Ferrol
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Mestrado Universitario en Materiais Complexos: Análise Térmica e Reoloxía (plan 2012)
  Applications to environmental protection
Topic Sub-topic
Analysis of the combustion gases by TG-FTIR Degradation in oxidizing and inert atmosphere
Products of combustion
Component Identification by FTIR
Adsorción e absorción para a captación de polución. Fundamentos
Materiais adsorbentes e absorbentes
Remediación e aproveitamento de residuos Caracterización e clasificación de residuos
Tecnoloxías de remediación
Aproveitamento de residuos
Substitution of synthetic polymers by biopolymers Methods for obtaining biopolymers
Main biopolymers
Compared to synthetic polymers
Possibilities and prospects of replacing synthetic polymers for biopolymers
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