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Escola Politécnica de Enxeñaría de Ferrol
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Mestrado Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial (plan 2018)
  Electrical Technology
Topic Sub-topic
The following blocks or subjects develop the contents established in the Verification Report file, which are: Analysis and design of:
- Electricity generation systems.
- Electricity transmission and distribution systems.
Exploitation and management of the different energy sources.
Introduction Electrical Circuit Analysis
Fundamentals of Electromagnetism
General Overview of Electric Power Systems Introduction to the analysis of electrical energy systems.
Elements in electrical energy systems.
- Electric power transmission lines.
- Power transformers
- Asynchronous and synchronous machines.
- Substations. Busbar configuration and operations.
Modelling of electrical elements (quadripoles).
- Impedance parameters.
- Admittance parameters.
- Hybrid and inverse hybrid parameters.
- Inverse transmission and transmission parameters.
- Parameter conversion
- Quadrupole connection
Load Flow Analysis Introduction to the unit system.
Kennelly's Theorem
Load flows.
- Node classification, network state and Boucherot's theorem.
- Node matrix equations for connection matrices.
- Magnetic couplings
- Node matrix equations by direct inspection of circuits.
- Definition of node admittance matrix.
- Calculation of node voltages and load flows.
- Iterative resolution methods: Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson.
Short-Circuit Analysis Definition of node impedance matrix.
- Direct construction of node impedance matrix.
- Modification of network status.
Definition of short-circuit.
- Actuation of protective devices Power circuit breakers and disconnectors.
- Definition of transient and sub-transient regimes.
Calculation of symmetrical short circuits.
- Three-phase short-circuit of a no-load synchronous machine.
- Three-phase short-circuit of a no-load line.
Symmetrical components (Fortescue-Stokvis theorem)
- Direct component
- Inverse component
- Homopolar component (connection groups).
Calculation of asymmetrical short circuits.
- Phase-to-earth short-circuit
- Phase-to-phase short-circuit
- Phase-to-phase-to-earth short-circuit
- Lack of open conductor
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