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Grao en Química
  Química Física 2
   Fontes de información
Bibliografía básica Atkins, Peter W. (2014). Atkins' Physical Chemistry. Oxford : Oxford University Press
Atkins, Peter W. (2008). Química física. Buenos Aires : Médica Panamericana
Levine, Ira N. (2004). Fisicoquímica. Madrid : McGrawhill

Además das fontes indicadas neste apartado, e no seguinte, poderán suxerirse na plataforma de teleformación MOODLE,outras que ó longo do curso se consideren interesantes.

Bibliografía complementaria Andrew Gilbert & Jim Baggott (1991). Essentials of molecular photochemistry.. Oxford ; Boston : Blackwell Scientific Publications
S. F. A. Kettle (2007). Symmetry and structure : readable group theory for chemists.. John Wiley
D. C. Harris (1989). Symmetry and spectroscopy an introduction to vibrational and electronic spectroscopy. New York : Dover
P. R. Griffiths (2007). Fourier transform infrared spectrometry. . John Wiley & Sons
G. Socrates (2005). Infrared and raman characteristic group frequencies tables and charts. . John Wiley & Sons
A. M. Ellis (2005). Electronic and photoelectron spectroscopy fundamentals and case studies.. Cambridge University Press
J. R. Albani (2007). Principles and applications of fluorescence spectroscopy. Oxford : Blackwell
C. Gell (2006). Handbook of single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy. Oxford University Press
Helmet H. Telle, Angel Gonzalez Ureña, Robert J. Donovan (2007). Laser chemistry : spectroscopy, dynamics and applications.. West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons
T. N. Mitchell (2004). NMR--from spectra to structures: an experimental approach. Berlin: Springer
B. Metin (2005). Basic ¹H-and ¹³C-NMR spectroscopy. Amsterdam : Elsevier
Françoise Hippert et al. (2006). Neutron and x-ray spectroscopy. Dordrecht : Springer
R. Jenkins (1996). Introduction to X-ray powder diffractometry. New York : John Wiley & Sons
(2005). International tables for crystallography. Volume A, Space-group symmetry. Dordrecht : Springer
Alberto Requena Rodríguez & José Zúñiga Román (2004). Espectroscopia. Pearson Educación, S.A.
Víctor Luaña, V. M. García Fernández, E. Francisco & J. M. Recio (2002). Espectroscopía molecular.. Universidad de Oviedo, Servicio de Publicaciones
J. R. Lakowicz (2006). Principles of fluorescence spectroscopy. New York : Springer
J. Michael Hollas (2004). Modern Spectroscopy. Hoboken (New Jersey) : John Wiley & Sons
Alberto Requena & José Zúñiga (2007). Química Física : problemas de espectroscopia : fundamentos, átomos y moléculas diatómicas. . Madrid : Pearson Educación
J. Keeler (2010). Understanding NMR spectroscopy.. Chichester : John Wiley and Sons
Carol E. Wayne & Richard P. Wayne (1996). Photochemistry. Oxford : Oxford University Press
Ooi, Li-ling (2010). Principles of x-ray crystallography. Oxford : Oxford University Press (). . (). . (). . (). . (). . (). . (). . (). .

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