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Grao en Bioloxía
  Bioquímica e Bioloxía Molecular
   Sources of information
Basic Meister G. (2011). RNA Biology. Wiley-VHH
Lodish, Berk, Krieger, Kaiser et al., (2013). Molecular Cell Biology. WhFreeman
Herráez, A. (2012). Texto inlustrado de Biología Molecular e ingeniería genética. Elsevier
Lodish, Berk, Matsudaria, Kaiser et al., (2008). Biología Celular y Molecular. Ed. Médica Panamericana
Lewin B. (2011). Genes X. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LLC
Elliot, W.H. & Elliot, D.C. (2002). Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular. Ariel, S.A.
Whitford, D. (2005). Proteins: Structure and Function. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bruce, Alberts [et al.]. (2008). Molecular biology of the cell. New York : Garland Science, 5th ed.
Karp G. (2011). Biología Celular y Molecular. Conceptos y experimentos. McGraw-Hill Interamericana Eds., S.A. de C.V., traducción de la 6ª ed. de Cell and Molecular Biology
Stryer,L, Berg, J.M. %Tymoczko, J.L. (2013). Bioquímica: con aplicaciones clínicas. Ed. Reverté, 7ª Ed.
In the MOODLE Platfform will be included links to webpages related to different subjects of the Course.
Complementary Rhoads R. (2010). miRNA Regulation of the translational machinery. Springer
Dalbey, R.E. & von Heijne, G. (2002). Protein targeting, transport & translocation. Academic Press
Meyers, R.A. (2007). Proteins: from analytical to structural genomics (Volume I and II). Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
Krauss, Gerhard. (2008). Biochemistry of signal transduction and regulation.. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. 2nd ed.

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