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Grao en Bioloxía
  Animal Biodiversity and the Environment
Topic Sub-topic
Part 1: General introduction Topic 1. Animal biodiversity. Introduction. General concepts. History of the knowledge of the animal biodiversity. Concept of Biodiversity. Number of species. Genes, species, populations, communities, ecosystems, processes: Genetic diversity. Diversity of the ecosystems. Regional biodiversity and local biodiversity. Conservation of the biodiversity.

Topic 2. Patterns of geographical distribution of the animal biodiversity. Biogeography. Climatic changes of the Pleistocene: the impact of the glaciations on the biodiversity. Main biogeographical regions: Paleartic, Neartic, Etiopic, Oriental, Neotropical, Australian, Antarctic. Biogeography of Galicia in the Iberian and Paleartic context.
Part 2: Terrestrial environments Topic 3. The main biomes of the Earth and their fauna I. Fauna of the polar regions and the tundra. Arctic and antarctic fauna. The boreal forests or Taiga and his fauna. Fauna of the temperate forests.

Topic 4. The main biomes of the Earth and their fauna II. The herbaceous biomes of the planet. Fauna of prairies, steppes and savannahs. The tropical forests. Types of tropical forests. Fauna of the rainforests. The deserts and his fauna.

Topic 5. Animal biodiversity in the islands and mountains. Types of islands. Insular biogeography. Insular biodiversity. Colonization and adaptations of the animals to the islands. Animal biodiversity in the mountains. Adaptations of the animals to the high mountain. Mountainous biodiversity: fauna of the alpine and subalpine environments.

Topic 6. Animal biodiversity in the Galician and Iberian terrestrial environments. Characteristics of the forest fauna. Animal biodiversity in the forest environments: fauna of the forests. Animal biodiversity in the scrub environments. Animal biodiversity in the agroecosystems.
Part 3: Marine environments Topic 7. Animal biodiversity in the sea. History and current state of the knowledge. General patterns of geographical distribution. Processes that conditioning the patterns of distribution.

Topic 8. Diversity of the pelagic fauna. Plankton and necton: General characteristics and distribution of the organisms.

Topic 9. Diversity of the benthonic fauna. Vertical zonation. General characteristics of the fauna in soft and rocky seabeds. The coral reefs. The deep benthos.

Topic 10. Diversity of the fauna in the estuarine habitats.

Topic 11. Biodiversity of the sea fauna in the Iberian and Galician coasts.

Topic. 12. Human impacts on the marine animal diversity. Introduction to the sustainability and conservation of the sea fauna.
Part 4: Freshwaters Topic 13. General considerations on freshwaters environments and his fauna. Diversity and origins of the freshwater fauna. Dispersion, isolation and patterns of geographical distribution.

Topic 14. Main environmental factors and animal biodiversity in freshwaters. Lotic and lentic environments. Special ecosystems.

Topic 15. Plankton, neuston and nekton: anatomical, biological and ecological tratis of the main faunal groups.

Topic 16. Benthos: anatomical, biological and ecological traits of the main faunal groups. Lotic and lentic communities.

Topic 17. Animal biodiversity in Galician and Iberian freshwaters.

Topic 18. Main effects of human activity on animal biodiversity in freshwaters. Control and conservation.
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