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Grao en Bioloxía
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction Human population growth.
Major environmental problems in Europe.
Pollutants Major types and features
Inorganic pollutants: metals and anions
Organic pollutants
Toxicokinetics Mechanisms for pollutant accumulations.
Biotransformation and detoxification of metals and metaloids.
Biotransformation of organic pollutants.
Bioaccumulation Factor (BAF), Bioconcentration Factor (BCF), and Accumulation Factor.
Bioamplification along the trophic chain Bioamplification.
Trophic transfer and Bioamplification factor.
Examples of bioamplification in metals and organic pollutants.
Bioaccumulation and pollutant detection (Retrospective Ecotoxicology I) Bioavailability.
Factors of pollutant bioavailability.
Use of bioaccumulators.
Requisites of a good bioacumulator.
Toxicodynamics: biochemical and histological effects Protective and non protective bgiochemical changes.
Molecular toxicity mechanisms.
Modes of toxic actions in organic pollutants.
Examples of molecular mechanisms.
Cytotoxicity and necrosis.
Damage to genes and chromosomes.
Physiological effects Subletal effects.
Effects on growth, development, reproduction, physiology and behaviour.
Trade-off between detoxification and production.
Biomarkers (Retrospective Ecotoxicology II). Classification, especificity and relationship with damaging effects.
Requisites of a good biomarker.
Examples of biomarkers.
Use of biomarkers.
Toxicity assays (Porspective Ecotoxicology I). Dose-response relationship.
Types of assays.
Data analyses.
Toxicity curves, mean lethal time and threshold LC50.
Data analyses in chronic assays: NOEC, LOEC y MATC.
Application Factor.
Prediction (Prospective Ecotoxicology II) Prediction at individual level: QSAR.
Prediction at ecosystem level: SSR.
Changes in community composition (Retrospective Ecotoxicology III). Indicator species.
Relative abundance.
Saprobic systema and biotic indexes.
Comparisson with reference communities.
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