Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Law
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Grao en Dereito
  Person's Law
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Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Person's Law Code 612G01007
Study programme
Grao en Dereito
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Dereito Privado
Rovira Sueiro, Maria Esther
Díaz Teijeiro, Carlos María
Legeren Molina, Antonio
Pérez Dios, Carmen
Rovira Sueiro, Maria Esther
General description This course is intended to be an introduction to private law and to some of the most important private law institutions. The student will learn what the role of private law is and its branches. After that introduction, students will be taught about the legal concepts of natural and legal person, the principal position held by human beings within the legal system and some other concepts as nationality or civil residence. Rights linked to personality and its protection by private law rules will also be one of the topics of the course, with special attention given to the protection of privacy. The course will finish by discussing the principles governing how non-profit organizations are regulated in the legal system
Contingency plan 1. Modifications to the contents No change has been made in the content of the subject: it is fully maintained. The schedule of face-to-face classes will be respected: in the days of expository teaching, the content of the program will be developed through the Microsoft Teams platform, the agenda will be uploaded to Moodle so that the explanations can be followed and to meet the needs of the students who have connection problems. On interactive teaching days, small group schedules will also be respected and classes will be taught through the Microsoft Teams platform. The materials will be provided through Moodle. 2. Methodologies *Teaching methodologies that are maintained practices through Teams *Teaching methodologies that are modified * Master Session: all teaching will be carried out through the Moodle UDC and Microsoft Teams platforms. * Case study: it will be adapted to online teaching through Teams * Simulation: it will be adapted to online teaching through Teams. * Test of essay / development: it is the evaluation method. The modification is indicated below 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students Moodle and Teams Tutorials: From the moment in which the classroom teaching cannot be taught, the tutorials will not be limited to those initially established, so they will not have a specific day or time and will include all the days and hours of instruction, they will be done through the mail electronically and / or through online meetings by Microsoft Teams depending on their content. 4. Modifications in the evaluation MORNING AND AFTERNOON GROUPS Methodology Rating weight Description Practices 30% Case study and supervised work carried out during the course, whatever the type of teaching. The face-to-face requirement for continuous assessment will be removed from the moment in which face-to-face teaching cannot be taught to avoid harm to students who have problems connecting to the Teams platform. Objective test Objective test : Value 70% A multiple choice questions exercise will be prepared in Moodle using the "questionnaire" tool to evaluate the students SIMULTANEITY OF DEGREE STUDIES IN LAW AND ADE Methodology Rating weight Description Practices 30% Case study and supervised work carried out during the course regardless of the type of delivery The face-to-face requirement for continuous assessment will be removed from the moment in which the face-to-face teaching cannot be delivered to avoid damages Students who have problems connecting to the Teams platform. Objective test : Value 20% A multiple choice questions exercise will be prepared in Moodle using the "questionnaire" tool to evaluate the students, and a oral exam through Teams with a value of 50%. The date and time of the academic calendar approved by the Faculty Board of the Center is respected If any student has connection problems, they must communicate it sufficiently in advance and the appropriate measures will be provided so that it can be carried out in the planned manner, only if this is not possible will an oral examination be carried out via mobile phone . The review of the test will be set by the teacher in accordance with the provisions of said document ENGLISH GROUP Methodology Rating weight Description Practices 30%: Case study and supervised work carried out during the course regardless of the type of delivery. The face-to-face requirement for continuous assessment will be replaced from the moment in which the face-to-face teaching cannot be delivered to avoid damages students who have problems connecting to the Teams platform. Value 70%: A multiple choice questions exercise will be prepared in Moodle using the "questionnaire" tool to evaluate the students *Evaluation observations: The date and time of the academic calendar approved by the Faculty Board of the Center is respected. If any student has connection problems, they must communicate it sufficiently in advance and the appropriate measures will be provided so that it can be carried out in the planned manner, only if this is not possible will an oral examination be carried out via mobile phone . The review of the test will be set by the teacher in accordance with the provisions of said document 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy There are no modifications in the bibliography. An effort similar to the one carried out during the last state of alarm will be made to provide the students with elaborated materials, links and other documents necessary for them to carry out their work.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.
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