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Grao en Dereito
  Constitutional Organisation of the State
Topic Sub-topic
Lesson 1: Division of Powers in the Rule of Law and the Limited Government
1) The classical frame. 2) The meaning of the division of powers nowadays
LESSON 2: The Spanish Crown
1) The political form: the parliamentary monarchy. 2) The figure and position of the King as Head of the State and his personal status: inviolability and irresponsibility. 3) The succession in the Crown and the Regency 4) The faculties and functions of the King. 6) The countersign of the King's doings.
LESSON 3: The Legislative Branch: The Cortes Generales
1) The historical origin of the Parliament and its organisation: monocameralism and bicameralism 2) The Election Rules: The composition of the Parliamentary Houses in Spain: Congress of the Deputies and Senate. 3) The internal organisation of the Parliament. 4) The personal status of the parliamentarians: the content of the position; icompatibilities; inviolability, immunity and special jurisdiction. 5) Legislative Function 6) The financial and budgetary function. 7) Relationships between Legislative and Executive Branches: vote of confidence, censure motion and the dissolution of the Congress, the Senate or the Cortes 8) The Parliament Auxiliaries: The Court of Audit and the Ombudsman
LESSON 4: The Executive Branch
1) Composition and structure of the Executive Branch (Gobierno) 2) The Presidency of the Executive (Prime Minister) and the procedure of investiture. 3) The personal statute of the members of the Executive. 4) The functions of the Executive 5) Powers of the outgoing Executive 6) The Government and the Public Administration: organisational principles and of operation.
LESSON 5: The Judicial Branch and the General Council of the Judiciary
1) The Judicial Power and the Rule of Law in Spain: independent judges and justices (magistrates) 2) The organization of the Judiciary 3) The General Council of the Judiciary
LESSON 6: The Constitutional Court
1) Nature, composition and organisation of the Spanish Constitutional Court. 2) Unconstitutionality Appeal 3) The submission of unconstitutionality 4) The preliminary action of unconstitutionality on Draft Statutes of Autonomy and proposals for their reform. 5) The Declaration about the constitutionality of the Treaties 6) The conflict in defence of the local autonomy 7) The positive conflicts of jurisdiction 8) The negative conflicts of jurisdiction 9)The challenges of the enactments without force of law and to decisions of the Autonomous Communities 10) The conflicts between constitutional organs of the State
LESSON 7: The Territorial Organization of the State: Autonomous Communities and Local Entities 1) The constitutional frame of the territorial organisation: Spain as a Federal State 2) The autonomy of Nationalities and Regions. 3) The formation process of the Autonomous Communities.. 4) The distribution of jurisdictions between the State and the Autonomous Communities. 5) The evolution of the Spanish territorial model and his limits. 6) The inexistence os self-determination as secession: Art 155 SC 7) The local autonomy in the Constitution.
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