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Grao en Dereito
  EU Competition Law and Intellectual property
   Sources of information
Basic Aurelio MENÉNDEZ & Ángel ROJO (directors) (Last edition). Lecciones de Derecho Mercantil, vol. I. Thomson Reuters
It is absolutely necessary to handle the commercial Laws related to the contents of the subject.
Complementary BERCOVITZ RODRÍGUEZ-CANO, A. (Last edition). Apuntes de Derecho Mercantil. Aranzadi
BROSETA PONT, M./MARTÍNEZ SANZ, F. (Last edition). Manual de Derecho Mercantil, t. I. Tecnos
JIMÉNEZ SANCHEZ, G. J./DÍAZ MORENO, A. (coordinators) (Last edition). Derecho Mercantil, vols. I y II. Marcial Pons
SÁNCHEZ CALERO, F./SÁNCHEZ-CALERO GUILARTE, J. (Last edition). Instituciones de Derecho Mercantil, t. I. Aranzadi
VICENT CHULIÁ, F. (Last edition). Introducción al Derecho Mercantil. Tirant lo Blanch

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