Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Computer Science
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Mestrado Universitario en Bioinformática para Ciencias da Saúde
  Biomechanical engineering, sensoring and telemedicine
Methodologies Description
Supervised projects Will carry out diverse practical works to put in practice the theoretical contents exposed in the face-to-face classes.
Objective test Assesment about theoretical contents. It will be able to be suppressed by the active participation of the students in the works and the ICT exercices.
ICT practicals Practices to realise during the classes
Guest lecture / keynote speech Classes of theory that base the practices of the subject
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes