Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education
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Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Exercise and Adapted Sports
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Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Exercise and Adapted Sports Code 620G01027
Study programme
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Educación Física e Deportiva
Valverde Romera, Joaquina
Valverde Romera, Joaquina
General description This subject is included in MODULE 5 (Teaching Physical Education and Sport). In this module, there are MATTERS that are closely linked to one another, such as "Teaching physical activity and sport", "Activities in the natural environment" and "Physical activity and adapted sport". Specifically, the COURSE to which this teaching guide corresponds has the same title as one of the subjects, "Physical activity and adapted sport" and is identified with the following descriptors: 1º) Physical activity and sport for populations with special needs: knowledge, indications and contraindications. 2º) Knowledge and elaboration of intervention programs in physical education to special needs of anatomical-physiological, psychic and / or social maladaptation. 3) Deontological attitude within the compulsory school context in physical activity and adapted sport. All the contents of the subject will be explained in Spanish language.
Contingency plan 1. Changes in content All topics and their corresponding sections are kept in full. 2. Methodologies 2.1.- Teaching methodologies that are maintained: 2.1.1- Master sessions: They will be conducted through videoconferences through Microsoft Teams. respecting the days and times you have scheduled. 2.1.2.- Conceptual map: The contents of each topic will be completed after completion. The corresponding blank model will be uploaded via the Moodle platform, and the correction of each of the maps will be done via telematics during the same session. 2.2.- Teaching methodologies that are modified: 2.2.1.- Collaborative learning: It is reduced to a single work per group (three members in each group). In addition to uploading it to Moodle, they'll have to do a presentation and defense on the Teams platform. Compute in the evaluation. 2.2.2.- Questionnaires: At the end of each topic, students will have to answer a 20-question questionnaire (multiple answer and/or true/false answer) about the contents given in the master sessions. Compute in the evaluation. 2.2.3.- Mixed test: It will consist of a final exam with test questions and test questions. 2.3.- Teaching methodologies that disappear: Adapted physical activity practices: Due to the impossibility of guaranteeing minimum health measures, scheduled practical sessions are abolished. 3. Personalised student care mechanisms 3.1.- Institutional email: Daily. It will be used to consult on the theoretical contents of the subject or to request virtual tutoring. 3.2.- Moodle: It will be the platform by which students can upload their work and answer the questionnaires raised at the end of each topic. 3.3.- Teams: 3.3.1.- Two weekly sessions for the "big group", in which the master content will be developed. 3.3.2.- A weekly session with each "small group" that will be used to follow up on the work, resolve doubts in this regard, and carry out the presentation and defense of such work. 4. Modifications in the evaluation 4.1.- Questionnaires (70%). They will be performed at the end of each track via Moodle. Themes 1, 2, and 3 will have a value of 10% each. Themes 4 and 5 will have a value of 20% each. 4.2.- Collaborative learning (30%). The criteria to be taken into account when evaluating jobs are: • Formal issues. • Depth and development of the theoretical framework. • Adequacy of the proposal to the requirements raised. • Use of updated bibliographic fonts. • Exposure and defense. *Evaluation Comments: In order to reach the approval in the matter, the students will have to reach 50% with the sum of the two sections. For example, 40% in questionnaires plus 10% in collaborative learning would be an approved 5 in the subject. This assumes that the mixed test (final exam) will only be MANDATORY for those students who do not reach that minimum percentage of 50%. As for the second chance (July), the same criteria are maintained. 5. Modifications of bibliography or webgraphy It remains complete with respect to the original teaching guide. In case you have to share any file or link, it will be done through One Drive Office 365.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.
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